Page 4 - Superintendent Report 2023-24
P. 4

Message from the Superintendent

        Dear Chairman Barbieri, Board Members, Colleagues, and Community Stakeholders:
        Throughout this school year, Team Palm Beach consistently provided evidence as to why the School
        District of Palm Beach County is “Your Best Choice!” The accomplishments of our students, teachers,
        and staff exemplified our commitment to our District Mission to educate, affirm, and inspire each
        student in an equity-embedded school system. From the opening of a new state-of-the-art elementary
        school, to the energy-filled kick-off of our Board-approved Strategic Plan, the efforts and dedication of
        Team Palm Beach was evident.
        The State designated the School District of Palm Beach County as an Academically High-Performing
        School District, solidifying our position as one of the top districts in the State. Additionally, we were
        honored to be recognized as Cambridge International’s U.S. Large District of the Year, a testament to
        our commitment to academic excellence.  We are proud that 70% of our 2023 graduating senior class
        took at least one advanced/accelerated course throughout their high school career.

        Through the combined efforts of supporting all aspects of educating our students, the accomplishments achieved and recognitions
        earned, our District has received overwhelmingly positive encouragement from our community. One highly celebrated demonstration
        of community support was through the 74% approval of our 2022 Referendum. This resounding endorsement reflects the trust and
        confidence of our community. With a focused effort on continuous improvement, our District Strategic Plan connects students and
        employees with needed resources to improve academic excellence and growth, re-center Team Palm Beach on a student-focused
        culture, provide resources to support the mental health and wellness needs for both students and employees, and establish a culture
        infused with committed and impactful employees. As we kicked off this work, we also returned to full pre-pandemic school operations
        and  celebrated  the  reimplementation  of  in-person  athletics,  student  performances,  and  school  field  trips.  Included  in  the  varied
        emphasis of the Strategic Initiatives is connecting the District with local business partners and providing in-person, off-site community
        experiences. These efforts are designed to align learning opportunities for all students in collaboration with the unique resources
        available throughout our community. Additional initiatives are focused on strengthening our career pathways, increasing marketing
        of our innovative choice and career programs, and ensuring consistent and effective instruction that results in academic excellence
        for all.

        We EDUCATE.
        In  direct  reflection  of  our  District  Mission  to  educate,  affirm,  and  inspire  each  student  in  an  equity-embedded  school  system,  I
        celebrate our many “educate” achievements. The first significant milestone was the opening of Blue Lake Elementary School in Boca
        Raton. Showcasing our commitment to providing state-of-the-art educational facilities, Blue Lake Elementary School is a testament
        to our District’s ability to provide the best possible learning environments for our students. Another remarkable achievement was the
        completion of the 2023 District accreditation review process with Cognia, further validating the quality of education we provide. This
        accreditation affirms our commitment to meet rigorous standards and implement a culture of continuous educational improvement.
        Within our classrooms, high-quality instructional materials are coupled with an extensive literacy support plan that includes literacy
        specialists who provide job-embedded professional development. Additional layered support was provided through our Education
        Foundation partners as well as ESSER-funded targeted reading tutorials. Evidence of how our “educate” accomplishments expanded
        to  our  secondary  schools  is  through  our  increase  in  Dual  Enrollment  participation  District-wide.  Keeping  this  central  focus,  we
        closed out the school year preparing for our incoming kindergarten students and their families. We launched an online registration
        for the incoming kindergarten class of 2036 to simplify the enrollment process. To further assist these children and their families, our
        Kindergarten Readiness campaign included the distribution of Kindergarten Readiness Kits to newly-registered kindergarten students
        along with District-produced video support in three languages for each lesson.
        We AFFIRM.
        With the School Board’s initiative and approval, we convened the first ever Superintendent’s Student Advisory Committee. Elevating
        student voice in our District is another tenet of the Strategic Plan and it’s off to a great start with this committee. Our students provide
        invaluable insight and offer practical, thoughtful recommendations on a variety of issues. In the upcoming years, we will work to
        expand student voice across our school campuses.

        Our District embarked on training our employees in Youth Mental Health First Aid (YMHFA), with a state required threshold of
        80% of all employees YMHFA certified by the end of the school year. Through 859 unique courses for initial YMHFA training, offered
        through  a  variety  of  modalities  and  with  flexible  scheduling,  the  dedication  and  commitment  of  Team  Palm  Beach  was  evident.

        4  // Superintendent Annual Report 2022 - 2023
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