The School District of Palm Beach County, Florida - Other School Department Based Activities 


Division of Teaching and Learning-School Counseling Program

The School Counseling Team

The School Counseling Team believes that all students, K-12, will achieve academic, social/emotional, and career success as the result of a District-wide integration of comprehensive school counseling programs. The School Counseling Team supports the development, implementation, and evaluation of comprehensive school counseling programs through professional development (School Counselor Professional Development), consultation, and assistance relevant to school counseling, and the use of relevant performance appraisal instruments.

Developing College-Career Aspirations through Professional School Counseling

Students develop college going aspirations and career readiness knowledge and skills with the support of school counseling services. With the ultimate goal of developing the whole child, certified school counselors ensure that strategies and support are in place to help students:

  • be academically successful,
  • meet promotion and graduation requirements,
  • be college and career ready,
  • maximize social and emotional wellness, and
  • become good citizens.

Three years ago, schools counselors signed-on to support the White House Reach Higher Initiative, which is intended to make sure all students understand what they need in order to complete their education, explore college and career options, and to take the steps required to pursue training, college, and university programs after high school.  In 2016-2017, the Reach Higher campaign was enhanced by the addition of the #BridgeBuilders social media initiative.  School counselors are bridge builders, rather than gate keepers, and work to connect all students to the K-12 and post-secondary opportunity.

Who are Certified School Counselors?

School counselors are certified educators with a minimum of a master’s degree in school counseling.  They are uniquely qualified to address all students’ academic, social/emotional and college-career needs through structured, planned, and comprehensive services. Elementary, middle and high certified school counselors deliver programs that help students to develop essential competencies, learning skills, social skills, self-management skills, and college/career readiness skills.  They work in collaboration with parents, other educators, and the community to provide core curriculum and structured lessons, individual student planning, individual counseling, small group counseling, crisis response, consultation, and parent conferences in support of student achievement.

The American School Counselor Association (ASCA), Florida School Counselor Association (FSCA) and the Florida Department of Education (FLDOE) provide school counseling program models, support evidence-based school counseling, and establish student standards and competencies.

Student Development Plan

The Student Development Plan (SDP) is a comprehensive, developmental program designed to serve all K-12 students and prepare them for productive citizenship. It is an essential part of a school’s multi-tiered system of supports, based on national standards adopted by the American School Counselor Association, the Florida Department of Education’s School Counseling and Guidance Framework, and research-based strategies. The Student Development Plan is mandated by Florida Statute 1006.025. The student Mindset and Behavior Standards identified in the Student Development Plan guide certified school counselors as they support student academic, career, and social/emotional development.  The interrelated components of the SDP include systems for delivery, management, and accountability, are all focused on student outcomes. Infused throughout the program are anticipated qualities of leadership, advocacy, and collaboration evidenced by certified school counselors, teachers, administrators, community, and educational partners.

Certified school counselors report on student outcomes through the Student Development Plan Annual Report, which is completed in May of each school year. A review of SDP Annual Report outcomes leads to the identification of school counseling best practice that produce positive outcomes for the students in the District.

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College Career Fair

The 2016-2017 College-Career Fair provided students and their families with the opportunity to explore post-secondary options, including training programs, college programs, and university options. Over 3,800 students and families attended this annual event. Over 180 colleges, universities, and representatives of the United States Armed Services were in attendance. The 2016-2017 College-Career Fair was held on October 24, 2016 at the Palm Beach County Convention Center.

Historically Black Colleges and Universities and Hispanic Serving Institutions Recruitment Tour

The Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) and Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSI) Recruitment Tour is designed to connect college-ready seniors with public, private community, and university educational options.  The 2017 HBCU/HSI Tour included representatives from 20 institutions and the Florida Office of Student Financial Aid.  Over 883 college-ready seniors attended.  The 2017 HBCU/HSI Tour was held January 24-25, 2017 at the Palm Beach County Convention Center.

Adolescent Depression Awareness Program

In partnership with The Johns Hopkins University and the Ryan Licht Sang Bipolar Foundation, school counselors and other educators were trained in the Adolescent Depression Awareness Program (ADAP).  The ADAP program and curriculum educates high school students, teachers, and parents about the illness of depression. Over 36 educators attended in the day-long ADAP professional development and left with the training and materials needed to implement the program at their school sites.  The parent seminar held in the Board Room drew a record number of parents and community members for Palm Beach County.

For more information on the Johns Hopkins Adolescent Depression Awareness Program, access

Student Mental Health and Wellness Conference

The 4th Annual Student Mental Health and Wellness Conference was a huge success!  Over 283 certified school counselors, school psychologists, classroom teachers, school nurses, school based team leaders, school and district administrators, and community partners attended this professional development conference.

  • Attendance: 283 administrators, school counselors, school psychologists, teachers, school nurses, educators, and guests attended the conference
  • Morning and Afternoon Keynote Sessions: The conference opened with presentations on Mental Health 101 and iPromise2 Campaign promoting mental health awareness. Speakers from the Center for Child Counseling and Youth Services Department closed with a presentation on Basic Building Blocks Trauma-Sensitive Schools
  • Training Sessions: 28 break-out sessions presented by district employees and/or community partners were available to attendees
  • Quality Professional Development Materials: Attendees received Helping Children Succeed: What Works and Why by Paul Tough. and supporting materials as a part of their registration
  • Community Resource Fair: 39 district and community partners participated in the Community Resource Fair (where attendees could meet those who provide mental health and wellness support to students, families, and employees)
  • Cross-Silo Networking: On site Mix It Up! lunch provided to attendees, providing the opportunity to network with colleagues
  • Sponsorship: The event was fully funded through sponsors and partners
  • Evaluation: Attendees gave the conference very high marks with 100% positive ratings for speaker knowledge, 100% positive ratings for quality of information, and 100% positive rating overall for the conference.

We will see you in June of 2018 for the 5th Annual Student Mental Health and Wellness Conference!
