Title: CP1 Architectural Agreement for Westward ES Recommendation:
I recommend the School Board approve the award of an Architectural Consultant Agreement with MPA Architects, Inc. in the amount of $1,062,000. and authorize the Superintendent and Board Chairman to sign all required documents for Westward Elementary School, Project No.0351-8227.
Description: Architectural Design Services required for modernization/replacement of the existing Pre K-5 facility and to accommodate an additional 826 student stations bringing the total student stations to 970. The replacement facility will be constructed on the existing site followed by demolition of the current structure and construction of playfields and auxiliary facilities.
Approved Budget for Planning and Design: $997,140.
Approved Construction Budget: $15,343,550.
Minority Participation: 20%
Base Fee: $923,500.
Additional Services: $92,500.
Reimbursables.: $46,000.
Total: $1,062,000.
Financial Impact:
The financial impact is $1,062,000. The source of funds is the corresponding Capital Projects Budget. The District will provide the Professional Responsibility Insurance at a cost of $29,500.
For Additional Information, contact:
Joseph M. Moore (moorej@palmbeach.k12.fl.us)
Joseph M. Sanches
Attachments (list):
ratingsource.MPA Architects.pdf
datapanel westward.pdf