Title: CS1 - Amendment to June 2006 Charter Agreement for Glades Academy of Agricultural & Ecological Studi Recommendation:
I recommend that the School Board approve the Amendment to the Charter Agreement signed June 28, 2006 for an additional five (5) year contract.
Description: The charter school was offered a one-year renewal contract on June 28, 2006, with specific conditions prior to entering into a long-term contract.
There were four of deficiencies, i.e. students' academic growth, increase student enrollment, positive cash flow and documented ESE services. (See attached Exhibits A - D)
The Addendum to the Charter Agreement for Glades Academy of Agricultural & Ecological Studies, Inc. is attached as Exhibit E.
The Amendment to the Charter Agreement between The School Board of Palm Beach County and Glades Academy is attached.
A copy of the Glades Academy Contract is on file in the Board Office for your review.
Financial Impact:
Based on the FEFP projection of fifty (50) students, the school may receive approximately $335,586 in revenues for the first year of the Contract.
For Additional Information, contact:
Ann Killets/(akillets@palmbeach.k12.fl.us) Janice S. Cover Juanita W. Edwards
Attachments (list):
Exhibit A - Data Panel.pdf
Exhibit B - Enrollment.pdf
Exhibit C - Cash Flow.pdf
Exhibit D - ESE Services.pdf