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New Business - Grants

Title: G1-Reading First Continuance Grant for Phase 1 Schools

I recommend that the School Board approve the Reading First Phase 1 Continuance Grant in the amount of $1,616,485.00 to provide funding for the existing Reading First coaches at 21 schools and authorize the Superintendent or designee to sign all documents and contracts related to the grant which are required for implementation of the grant activities for FY08 beginning July 1, 2007 and ending June 30, 2008.


The reapplication of the Reading First Continuance Grant will continue to provide funding in FY08 for reading coaches at the original  21 schools that met Reading First criteria according to the state system of accountability. Funds secured from the grant are in the amount $1,616,485.00. The original grant period began in the last quarter of FY04. This is the fourth year of the grant. Funding will continue for a total of six years pending annual DOE approval and will be based on a 10% declining funding model.

The funds will be used to:

•  purchase intervention programs that have been identified by Florida Center for Reading Research (FCRR) as meeting reading First criteria for addressing the needs of K-3 students in the areas of phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension.
•  provide all participating K-3, ESE, and ESOL teachers with an opportunity to attend the Just Read, Florida! Teacher Academy. This academy is held for teachers who have not attended in previous years.
•  provide for a Reading First Instructional Specialist, Grant Analyst, and a Resource teacher.

The Reading First Grant will be evaluated in terms of increased K-3 reading performance as measured by the outcome assessments mandated by the Florida Department of Education.   

In FY04, the Florida Department of Education sent an eligibility list with criteria for the selection of schools that qualified to participate in the reading First Grant. The following 21 elementary schools were selected at that time and continue to participate in the Reading First Grant project for FY07: Allamanda, Benoist Farms, Berkshire, Boca Raton, C.O. Taylor/Kirklane, Coral Sunset, Crosspointe, Dwight D.  Eisenhower, Galaxy, Heritage, Indian Pines, Lantana, Meadow Park, North Grade, Orchard View, Plumosa, Seminole Trails, U.B. Kinsey/Palmview, Charter School of Boynton Beach, Glades Academy, and Joseph Littles-Nguzo Saba Charter.

The objective of the continuation of the Reading First Grant is to continue to provide funding for the reading coaches at the participating schools. The Reading First coach will continue to:

•  provide training for K-3 teachers in Reading . They will also be responsible for organizing the administration and reporting of the Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS) state assessments as required by the Reading First Grant.
•  facilitate the organization of DIBELS administration and collection; assist teachers in understanding and interpreting the data collection.
•  attend all state and district professional development.
•  conduct follow-up to monthly professional development and quarterlies.
•  work closely with teachers to ensure full implementation of the intent of Reading First including modeling lessons and coaching teachers in classroom
•  distribute, collect, and interpret implementation rubric.
•  assist with the organization and management of the 90-Minute Reading Block.

Continuance of the Reading First Grant development with use of a web-based data management and student reporting system for K-3 classrooms will provide information to help manage and improve instruction for individual students, classrooms, and schools. In addition, the continuance of the Reading First grant will enable schools to implement proven methods of scientifically based reading instruction in classrooms in order to prevent reading difficulties in grades K-3.

Through the Reading First Quarterly Data Report, schools are able to track students' performance. The report provides the effectiveness of core instruction (ECI) and the effectiveness of interventions (EI), which is beneficial for tracking the growth of individual students in acquiring critical early reading skills. Finally, the Reading First grant provides professional development for teachers using scientifically based reading programs, and to ensure accountability through ongoing, valid and reliable screening, diagnostic, and classroom-based assessment.

In 2006, 19 elementary schools and three charter schools participated in the Reading First grant. As a result, the 21 schools have begun to implement research-based instructional practices that meet the needs of the individual student. The aligning of assessment and instruction has become a practice at Reading First schools.

Although backdating agreements is not our standard practice, it was necessary in this particular case due to grant timelines.  It does not prejudice the rights of the School Board

Financial Impact:
The financial impact to the district is $1,616,485 to support and maintain the Reading First  project in 21 schools.  All grant related expenditures and contracts are authorized for payment up to the amount of revenue.

For Additional Information, contact:
Ann Killets (akillets@palmbeach.k12.fl.us)
Constance Tuman-Rugg
Liz Perlman

Attachments (list):
Phase I Data Panel.jpg
Phase II Data Panel.jpg
Project Application.pdf
Budget Form.pdf
Phase One Memo.pdf
Reading Coaches for board report 8_13_07 (3).xls
Assessments for Reading First Schools 8-13-07.doc
District Status Report for Reading First Schools.xls

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