Title: (FF) - Lease Agreement – Office Space On South Congress Avenue Description:
The Fulton-Holland Educational Service Center (FHESC) has become increasingly overcrowded with several Departments working in conditions that are becoming increasingly unsafe due to blocked pathways.
The District has plans to move several Departments out of the FHESC and into or closer to schools, however, those plans will take a period of years to realize because they include reusing older buildings on school campuses following the modernization of those schools (ex. Lantana Elem. Administration Building, John I. Leonard High School Administration Building, Howell L. Watkins Middle School Media Center John F. Kennedy Middle School Science Building).
In order to provide temporary relief the District will be moving some Departments out of the FHESC until such time as these other facilities will become available.
Additional space will also be needed to house the ERP Implementation Team over the next few years. Space is also needed for the Electronic Data Warehouse and to assist with the management of the Capital Improvement Program.
The District will make an effort to recover as much of the rent as possible from grant funded, fee based programs as well as programs, such as Charter Schools, which provide a portion of their proceeds for District overhead expenses.
Leased space totals 9,200 SF.
The location of the leased office space (2392 Congress Avenue) is just approximately 1.5 miles south of Forest Hill Boulevard.
Term of Lease is for five (5) years; from March 1, 2005 to February 28, 2010 with an option to renew with two (2) three (3) year terms.
Gross Lease Rate: Year 1 - $18.00 SF, 4% annual increase; plus approximately $150.00 per month for garbage removal services (one-half the total cost of garbage/trash removal).
Approval of this lease is subject to completion of inspections by Environmental Control, the Building Department, Fire and Safety, Maintenance and Custodial. Upon the satisfactory completion of these inspections, the lease documents will be submitted for execution by the Chairman and Superintendent.
I recommend the School Board approve the Lease Agreement for leased space at 2393 South Congress Avenue, West Palm Beach, Florida for use by various Departments; and authorize the Superintendent and Chairman to sign all necessary documents.
Financial Impact:
The annual financial impact to the district's general fund operating budget is $200,000. The estimated impact within FY2005 is $67,000 (March-June).
For Additional Information, contact:
Joseph M. Moore (moorej@Mail.palmbeach.k12.fl.us) \Joseph M. Sanches
Attachments (list):