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The 2014 Wellness Promotion Policy Annual Report
The School District of Palm Beach County, Florida

Physical Activity - Adventure to Fitness®
The Best 30 Minutes of the Day! - Adventure to Fitness® motivates kids of all sizes, races, and ethnicities to get moving and make healthy life choices. Adventure to Fitness® provides an easy solution for general education classroom teachers in the fight against childhood obesity and promotion of overall wellness. This resource inspires children to lead healthy lifestyles through imagination, education, and movement. Adventure to Fitness® has been used in the following ways:
- default_titleTo meet state/district mandated physical activity minutes
- default_titleFitness/brain breaks
- default_titleEnergizer/stress busters - especially during testing
- default_titleReward/Incentive
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Have you heard?
Adventure to Fitness® is the #1 classroom physical activity resource in the nation. This resource is FREE for every elementary school in the nation.

Palm Beach County’s Success…
During the 2013-2014 school year schools using Adventure to Fitness® completed 250,946 minutes of classroom physical activity (4,182 hours).