Teaching nutrition, promoting exercise, changing lives!
For eight years, Commit 2B Fit® has provided Palm Beach County elementary schools with an effective program that has delivered positive and healthy behavioral change in children and families. This program is a comprehensive educational and wellness curriculum that teaches children the building blocks of sound nutrition and promotes regular physical activity. Through small daily lessons that are cumulative and reinforcing, children learn habits for a lifetime of wellness.
During the 2013-2014 school year, The School District of Palm Beach County continued expanding the award-winning Commit 2B Fit® program serving 16,000 3rd-5th grade students in 43 elementary schools. In addition, several schools introduced the Commit 2B Fit® program to grades K-2 as well.
Each participating student receives a customized Commit 2B Fit® academic/wellness student planner at the start of the school year. The planner encourages students to record their daily physical activity and intake of fruits and vegetables in addition to their academic assignments. The planner also contains daily fun factoids about nutrition, fitness, goal setting, oral health, and other wellness-related topics. Finally, the Commit 2B Fit® student planner is designed to serve as a communication tool between the teacher, student, and parent – embracing the importance of family involvement in student achievement of academic and wellness goals.
When a student takes the Commit 2B Fit® pledge, he or she receives an affirmation charm. With each succeeding program achievement, the student has the opportunity to receive additional charms and other incentives.
- 1,020 Bracelets
- 230 Wrist Bands
- 200 Pencils
- 150 Tote Bags
Each year teachers are trained in best practices to incorporate Commit 2B Fit® into the school day without adding another layer to students’ or teachers’ busy schedules. In the 2013-2014 school year, Commit 2B Fit® introduced a webinar training program that was enthusiastically received by the teachers.
Commit 2B Fit® provides a Teacher Training Manual to accompany the Student Planner. The training manual is a rich source of ideas and lesson plans aligned with planner content and academic subjects. Commit 2B Fit® updates the manual each year so that it continues to be an invaluable resource for teachers.
Commit 2B Fit® partner, the Miami Dolphins hosted Fins Friday events at Allamanda and Galaxy Elementary. Fins Friday is an exciting program that teaches elementary school students to be Dol-Fit by following the three principles of Education, Physical Fitness and Positive Choices. Fins Friday is a fun, upbeat interactive assembly where the entire school laughs, learns and shows its Dolphin spirit.
The program was first piloted with third grade students in seven elementary schools and second grade students in one elementary during the 2006-2007 school year.
After a successful pilot year, the program was expanded in the same eight elementary schools to include the third and fourth grade students during the 2007-2008 school year.
With great support from the principals and academic leaders of the District, Commit 2B Fit® was integrated into 26 elementary schools during the 2008-2009 school year. Of the total 26 participating schools, eight schools used the program with their 3rd and 4th grade students and the other 18 schools used the program with only their 3rd grade students.
During the 2009-2010 school year, Commit 2B Fit® expanded into 37 elementary schools with 33 elementary schools offering the program to their 3rd and 4th grade students and the other four schools offering the program to their 3rd, 4th and 5th grade students. Some schools purchased additional Commit 2B Fit® student planners for their K-2 students.
For the 2010-2011 school year, Commit 2B Fit® was implemented in 40 elementary schools for the 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students. Some schools purchased additional planner for other grades.
For 2011-2012 school year, Commit 2B Fit® was implemented in 41 elementary schools in grades 3-5, with some schools purchasing student planners for K-2 as well.
For the 2012-2013 school year, Commit 2B Fit® was implemented in 42 elementary schools in grades 3-5, with even more schools including the K-2 planner.
For 2013-2014, the Commit 2B Fit® program was implemented in 43 schools, with many more schools adding the K-2 planner to establish consistency within the school.
The Commit 2B Fit® academic/wellness student planner has been customized to meet the needs of students in Palm Beach County. During the past few school years, the Palm Beach County Oral Health Coalition collaborated with the founders of the Commit 2B Fit® program to add an oral health component that served as a reminder for students to brush their teeth three times a day. Additionally, Student Intervention Services partnered with the founders of the Commit 2B Fit® program to incorporate a customized “Character Counts!” in Palm Beach County and “Anti- Bullying!”. The Wellness Promotion Task Force served as the link to bridge these partnerships and facilitated the additional customizations.
Commit 2B Fit® conducted a year-end teacher survey for the 2013-2014 school year. The feedback and results reinforced the value and impact of Commit 2B Fit®.
374 teachers from 43 participating Commit 2B Fit® schools responded:
96% reported that the Commit 2B Fit® planner met the academic and wellness needs of students.
81% said that they believe having nutrition goals and logging consumption helped motivate their students to eat more servings of fruits and vegetables.
83% believe having physical activity goals and logging activity motivated their students to be more active.
95% feel the Commit 2B Fit® program is valuable to their school and benefits the students.
“I LOVE this program!"
“Commit 2B Fit® is an excellent tool to keep ALL of us aware of the importance of exercise and healthy eating.”
“When we started this program a number of years ago, many of my students did not know the difference between fruits, veggies, proteins and grains. Now all grade levels are very educated in this area.”
“Students have taken time out to walk more without being told.”
“Thanks to this planner, my students are goal oriented not only academically, but physically as well.”
“The planner is wonderful. We use it everyday to track reading as well as exercise, nutrition, and dental hygiene.”
“A wonderful program for our students!”
"As a Health and Wellness Choice school, the journal is the perfect school to home link."
"My students, staff, and their families love these daily planners. Thank you so much as they would not be able to purchase them on their own."
"Thank you for providing these planners. The students and teachers use them daily and they have proven to be an effective tool for all."
"We really appreciate the Commit 2B Fit journals as they provide healthy eating habits and physical activity as well as a great source of communication with our parents."
"These planners had a direct impact on us seeking the approval to become a Health and Wellness Choice Program school this year. Thank you so much!"
Due to the overwhelming positive response to the program in Palm Beach County, Commit 2B Fit® introduced the opportunity for schools to become a Model Commit 2B Fit® School.
Commit 2B Fit® was pleased to announce that four elementary schools applied and qualified to receive this recognition.
The following schools have demonstrated exceptional dedication in their students’ efforts to Commit 2B Fit®. They have completed stringent criteria to become Commit 2B Fit® Model Schools. All have excelled in providing their students with health and wellness education, enrichment opportunities and a school culture that will lay the foundation for a long and healthy life:
Allamanda Elementary
Everglades Elementary
Grassy Waters Elementary
Liberty Park Elementary

Commit 2B Fit® is expected to continue growing during the 2014-2015 school year. Five more schools will be added to the program for a total of 48 elementary schools. The program will be offered to all students in 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade and several others including their primary grades as well.
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For additional information, tips, and resources please visit the Commit 2B Fit® website.