The School District of Palm Beach County, Florida
Celebrating 10 Years Of Wellness

A Decade of Wellness…
Wellness existed in Palm Beach County prior to the mandate from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), through the Child Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization Act of 2004, that every school District must develop a wellness policy. However, on May 31, 2006 when our wellness policy was adopted by the School Board, we began on our official wellness journey. A Wellness Promotion Task Force was formed which has grown from less than 25 attendees to over 100 participants meeting where District and Community initiatives are shared with the intent to develop healthier minds and bodies in our students, staff and the community as a whole. Students and staff over the past 10 years have benefitted from the wellness activities, resources, and initiatives put forth by the District and the community. Details of many of these initiatives have been captured in the pages of our Wellness Annual Reports. This FY16 annual report highlights not only what was accomplished with regard to wellness during the 2015-2016 school year, but also provides a history on some of the most impactful strategies within the past 10 years. We hope you enjoy the view into our wellness journey.

“Wellness in Palm Beach County continues to grow momentum. District staff and community partners have come together to shine a light on the importance of wellness for all. Together we are making wellness part of everyday life. Thank you to all who continue to participate in spreading the word on wellness.”
Allison Monbleau, Director, School Food Service

"On behalf of the members of the School Board, I want to thank the Wellness Promotion Task Force for all that they do for the students, staff, parents and community. The work and effort of the Task Force helps each of us in our efforts to set and achieve our goals for a healthy lifestyle. I congratulate you on a job well done and support your continued efforts in creating a culture of wellness".
Chuck Shaw, School Board Chairman

“The School District of Palm Beach County believes in the development of healthy minds and bodies. As a cohesive team, we provide encouragement and support to our students, staff, and community. Our belief is that through this group effort we can help build confidence toward happier and healthier lives”.
Dr. Donald Fennoy, Chief Operating Officer

"As important as exercise and diet is to a healthy lifestyle, developing a positive outlook in our individual lives and those we are entrusted to teach is equally so. The more positive mental attitude you have about yourself and what you want to accomplish, the greater the possibility will be to yield great things. As we continue to build relationships with community partners, we open the doors wider for future generations to gain and achieve their full potential".
Keith Oswald, Chief Academic Officer
Wellness Promotion Policy
A local school wellness policy ("Wellness Policy") is a written document that guides a local educational agency (LEA) ...
New this year, ALL schools were required to have a Healthy School Team -- no exceptions! While there are some federal...
Wellness Promotion Task Force
As we celebrate our 10th year, reflections of the past, bring forth proud memories of what we have accomplished...