Page 140 - School Garden Development Guide - 4th Edition
P. 140

Wear Sunscreen continued
        Please plan ahead and alert parents when you plan to take students
        into the garden.  30 SPF or higher is preferred, when possible, and
        should be applied to the body 20 minutes before going into the
        garden and reapplied as necessary. Encourage students to apply
        sunscreen to their face, lips, ears and skin.

                                 Sunscreen Tips

                               Playground Safety

                 Richard David Kann Melanoma Foundation

        Appropriate Garden Attire
        District guidelines pertaining to appropriate attire to the task at
        hand are referred to as Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). As it
        relates to school gardens, please note that garden gloves should
        be worn for most (if not all) garden activities. Appropriate footwear
        is also important -- closed toed, flat shoes, boots or sneakers are
        permitted. Open toed shoes such as sandals and flip-flops are not
        allowed while working in school gardens. Be sure to wear safety
        glasses during activities that may require them.

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