Page 143 - School Garden Development Guide - 4th Edition
P. 143

Closing Down the Garden
        There could be many reasons why you may need to close down
        your garden.  The two most common are because your garden:
         1.  Is not operational during the summer
         2.  The initiative has been discontinued due to lack of success,
            interest or funding

        If your school garden will no longer be in use, it must be closed
        down and secured to avoid unintended access or accidents.  If
        your garden shut down is seasonal and will continue the following
        school year, it must be closed down by the last day of school.  If it
        is no longer in use, it must be closed down immediately.

        Guidelines to Follow
         1.  Tools and garden materials must be stored properly and be
            inaccessible to students and others who may be on the school
            campus during the summer. An interior storage room or code
            compliant shed that can be locked is best.
         2.  Pots, tarps, containers and other items that can collect water
            during the rainy season must be stored in such a manner to
            prevent the collection of stagnant water that could allow Zika
            mosquitoes to breed.
         3.  Garden beds should be left open and not tarped or covered
            during summer. Dispose of all unwanted or broken plant
            stakes, soil and other materials that may be a hazard and/or
            attract unwanted pests.
         4.  Signage is recommended to alert everyone that the Garden is
            “Closed for the Season.”

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