Page 147 - School Garden Development Guide - 4th Edition
P. 147

Administering Care in the Garden

         School nurses have reported the following common health
         concerns  in  students  who  work  in  their  school  gardens  and
         provided some basic care actions to prevent more serious health
         issues. Below are some guidelines to follow until the student is
         under the care of the school nurse or a medical professional.

         Skin Abrasions / Punctures
           •  Wash dirt off immediately with water and cover with a clean
           •  Bring students to the health room for continued cleaning and

         Insect Bites
           •  If possible, determine the type of insect bite and observe for
             any allergic responses in student
           •  Wash immediately with water
           •  Bring students to the health room for continued cleaning,
             observation or emergency response measures. If a student is
             known to have a severe allergy to ant bites and/or bee stings,
             then the garden staff should be properly trained by the school
             nurse to respond immediately at garden site.

           •  Prevent dehydration by stopping activities and encouraging
             students to drink fluids
           •  Observe for signs of overheating (i.e. nausea, headache,
             dizziness and decreased sweating)
           •  Place student in a cool, shaded area, encourage drinking water
             if tolerated
           •  Contact administration and/or school nurse to respond to
             garden site with a transport chair to health room if any of the
             above signs are present

         Support Services / Health Services

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