Page 154 - School Garden Development Guide - 4th Edition
P. 154
School Food Service (SFS)
Nutrition Education
Interested in expanding the garden experience into the classroom?
When we take the time to infuse the nutritional aspects of
gardening, we have the potential of inspiring students to choose
healthier options. The Nutrition Services Team is always excited to
expand knowledge and learning by facilitating fun, engaging and
informational nutrition education lessons on campuses.
Taste Testings / Food Samples
It is always exciting when children see the fruits of their labor --
pardon the pun! In fact, statistics consistently demonstrate that
when students grow their own food, they are more likely to make
healthier choices going forward. As an added bonus, students
(and teachers) have the opportunity to try new foods.
If you are interested in sampling garden items to your students,
SFS encourages you to partner with your SFS Manager. Please
note, there are special food handling procedures that the SFS
team must adhere to. Please give your SFS Manager some notice if
this something you plan to pursue. Take a look at the documents
referenced on the next page related to these procedures.
154 School Garden Development Guide - 4 Edition