Page 158 - School Garden Development Guide - 4th Edition
P. 158

Federal and State Programs
        The School Garden initiative is  growing and expanding
        nationwide.  Consequently,  opportunities have been increasing
        for schools to obtain grant funding for gardens. We have a team
        of people with a tremendous amount of experience in this area.
        Please contact the District’s Grants and Resource Development
        Team when applying for grants exceeding $10,000. Generally
        speaking, this team is not usually involved in developing smaller
        grants, but they are an excellent resource to obtain guidance.

        Additionally, please be sure to reach out to this team whenever
        you receive a grant. They will provide you with the information
        necessary to track the use of these funds.

        When your garden projects fit within grant parameters, be sure to:
          •  Complete all grant requirements
          •  Address specific questions outlined within the grant
          •  Provide donation intentions
          •  Provide sustainability plan
          •  Describe educational benefits
          •  Submit a reasonable budget
          •  Respect financial parameters of the grant
          •  List community partners
          •  Include pictures (if allowed by the grant)

        Processing Grants Received
        When a grant is awarded, you will be excited and you will feel a
        great sense of accomplishment.  To be certain that we can provide
        you with the appropriate support, please refer to the following

        Provide the Budget Department with:
          •  Copy of the grant award letter
          •  Check received from the donor
          •  Proposed budget to include how the funds can and should be

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