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In Touch
With the CIO
By Deepak Agarwal Welcome to the FY23 Back to School Edition of Technology in Motion for
Chief Information Officer Education (TIME). I hope everyone was able to take a break and get re-
TABLE summer trend of stepping up efforts to ensure that our schools are ready
energized for another exciting school year. Within IT, we continued the
for the upcoming year. Many projects and initiatives were completed by the
OF CONTENTS end of FY22 that will benefit our schools in the upcoming school year. Those
completed projects and initiatives included, but are not limited to:
In Touch with the CIO ..............................................2
Marlene Verbiest Retiring ........................................4 • Dell Refresh Project Phase 1 - Ordered and delivered 30k+
IT and Legal’s Diligent Efforts Recoup $268K Chromebooks to schools to maintain the FY22 District initiative for 1:1
for the District ..........................................................5 student-to-device ratio
Deepak Agarwal Included in
“Top 100 Influencers in Ed Tech” ............................6 • Teacher Laptop Deployment Project - Imaged and delivered laptops to
New Strategic Technology Plan ...............................7 T-bargaining unit teachers at all school levels
Panic Buttons Provided to School Staff ..................8
New 1:1 Device Inventory Tools Available .............10 • E-Rate Installs - Core network routers upgraded at all schools
Who Do I Call for My Technical Issue? .................11 • Wireless Access Points - Upgraded at all elementary schools
Principal’s Resource Center Redesigned ..............12
Universal Student ID Coming ................................13 • New E-Rate Bids - Completed for future years and include internet, WAN/
School Tech Training and Resources Available .....14 LAN switches, data cabinets, and wireless access point upgrades
Student Passwords Changed on August 12 .........15
PMO Corner ...........................................................16 • Security Information Event Management (SIEM) Solution - For
Fingerprinting Services Outsourced ......................17 enhanced cybersecurity
New District Bulletins Process Implemented ........18 • Transportation Historical Reporting Dashboard
Leave / TDE Form Replacement ............................18
District Accreditation Process Eased with App .....18 • District Phone System Upgrade
Three Important Infrastructure Projects ...............19
The District Has a SIEM! .......................................20 Some of the key projects and initiatives slated for FY23 are:
School and District Websites
to Move to Blackboard ...........................................21 • SIS Document Center - Implement the student records / cumulative
PeopleSoft Upgrade Successfully Released .........21 folder repository within SIS
SIS Document Center Project Started ...................22
Contract Management System Coming ................22 • Elementary Report Cards - Transition to SIS
#PrideInSDPBC ......................................................23
Summer 2022 Student Interns ..............................24
Employee Promotions and Moves ........................28
Employee Retirements and New Employees ........29
Significant Careers and Service .............................30
Kudos .....................................................................32
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