Page 14 - TIM_03-11-24
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                                            Anti-phishing  training  has  become  a  key  component  of  cybersecurity
                                            education, aiming to empower individuals with the knowledge and skills needed
                                            to recognize and avoid these attacks. Phishing is a deceptive tactic employed
                                            by cybercriminals to trick individuals into divulging sensitive information, such
                                            as usernames, passwords, or financial details. This article explores the concept
                                            of phishing, different types of phishing, methods to identify phishing emails, and
                                            underscores the paramount importance of not clicking on phishing emails.
                                            Phishing  is  a  type  of  social  engineering  attack  where  attackers  disguise
                                            themselves as trustworthy  entities to  manipulate individuals  into providing
                                            confidential  information. These  attacks  often  come  in  the  form  of  deceptive
                                            emails,  messages,  or  websites  that  mimic  legitimate  sources,  making  it
                                            challenging for recipients to discern the fraudulent nature of the communication.
                                            Here are four types of phishing attacks, each with its unique characteristics:

                                            1.  Email Phishing: This is the most common form of phishing, where attackers
                                               send fraudulent emails posing as legitimate organizations. These emails
                                               often contain urgent messages, enticing users to click on malicious links or
                                               provide sensitive information.

                                            2.  Spear Phishing:  In  spear  phishing,  attackers  tailor  their  messages  to
                                               specific individuals or organizations, making them more convincing. This
                                               type of phishing often involves researching the target to create personalized
                                               and credible messages.
                                            3.  Vishing (Voice Phishing): Vishing involves attackers using phone calls to
                                               deceive individuals  into providing sensitive information. The  caller might
                                               pose as a trusted entity, such as a bank representative, to extract information
                                               like account details or passwords.
                                            4.  Smishing (SMS Phishing):  Smishing  utilizes  text  messages  to  trick
                                               individuals into clicking on malicious links or disclosing sensitive information.
                                               These messages may appear to be from a legitimate source, creating a
                                               false sense of urgency.
                                            Identifying phishing emails requires a combination of vigilance and awareness.
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