Page 19 - TIM_03-11-24
P. 19



                                                                             The District’s IT Division is excited
                                                                             to have successfully completed the
                                                                             installation of new data management
                                                                             and protection software. This
                                                                             software helps manage and protect
                                                                             valuable information ensuring that
                                                                             critical data is backed up regularly
                                                                             and can be recovered quickly in
                                                                             case of hardware failure or other
                                                                             unforeseen events

                                                                             Over the past few months, IT
                                                                             collaborated with our partner,
                                                                             dedicating themselves to ensuring
                                                                             the completion of the process. The
                                                                             team is happy with its seamless
                                                                             ability to back up and recover critical
                                                                             information. The installation of this
                                                                             data management solution highlights
                                                                             the District’s commitment to staying
                                                                             ahead in cyber security.

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