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                      Angela (Angie) Bergt

     Angie  Bergt  left  the  District  after  four  years
     as a Manager and Project Manager for  the
     IT  PMO.  While Angie’s  tenure  was  relatively
     short,  her  impact  to  the  District  was  out-
     sized  in comparison.  Angie  joined  the
     department  in  December  2019,  just  a  few
     months  before  the  COVID-19  pandemic  sent
     us  all  to  remote  work  for  a  year  and  a  half.

     Angie  had  previously  worked  for  vendors
     that  provided IT  services and equipment
     to  Duval  County  Schools,  providing  a
     decade  of  knowledge  and  experience  in  the
     technology  needs  of  large,  urban  schools
     before joining us here at Palm Beach County.

     Angie was instrumental in leading  several
     large,  high-impact  projects  for  Palm  Beach
     County Schools, including Student 1:1 Devices,
     installing WiFi on all District school buses, and
     notably, as lead PM for implementing Centegix
     CrisisAlert in six weeks for all District schools
     and facilities. Other projects Angie led include
     Universal Student ID Badges, SIS Document
     Center,  Teacher  Laptop  Refresh,  IT  Security
     SIEM POC and Project, and restarting the IT
     Student Intern program in 2022. The Student
     1:1 Devices Project was selected as “Project
     of  the  Year  -  2022”  by  the  South  Florida
     Chapter of the Project Management Institute.

     Angie excelled at large projects with many
     moving  parts,  was  a  passionate  advocate
     for the interests of  students and the District,
     and  as  a  Manager,  also  worked  to  help
     train,  mentor,  and  coach  new  staff  to  the  IT
     PMO.  Angie  often  said  ‘logistics  was  her
     superpower’.  Bright,  funny,  professional,  and
     dedicated, Angie Bergt was a true asset to the
     IT  PMO  and  to  the  District  at-large.  We  will
     miss  Angie  and  her  many  contributions,  but
     wish her much success in her new endeavors.
     We  won’t  say  “Good  Bye, Angie”,  but  rather
                       “Until we see you again!”
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