Page 30 - TIM_2021
P. 30

FROM: Kathleen Black,
                                            Dept. of Performance Accountability
                                            SUBJECT: IT Design & Development Team
                                            A huge THANK YOU to your IT Design and Development team
                                            - Ron Monbleau, Debra Tumino, Jason Hollar, Adam Fiveson
                                            and others ensure there is always an expert team you can
                                            turn to that makes things happen - their teamwork really
                                            does make the dream work!


                                            FROM: Dr. Debbie Battles, Principal, D.D. Eisenhower ES
                                            SUBJECT: Bruce and Isabel
                                            Even on their day off, Bruce and Isabel helped me correct
                                            a problem with my voicemail that blocked callers from
                                            getting through to a live person. I was not left on my
                                            own until the solution was tested.


                                            FROM: Laura Green, Principal, Crystal Lakes ES
                                            SUBJECT: Infrastructure & Systems Support
                                            Thank you! Our first day back on campus was much brighter
                                            for everyone, especially my amazing teachers. The
                                            improved internet connection saved them and is allowing
                                            them to do their jobs more easily.


                                            FROM: Claudia Shea, Director of Communications
                                            SUBJECT: Adam Fiveson
                                            Thank you - I can’t tell you how much you have benefited
                                            our students and staff by helping us bring this amazing
                                            document to life.


                                            FROM: Teri Johnson, Payroll Manager,
                                            SUBJECT: Enterprise Applications
                                            Michelle Strawmire & Team  A huge thank you to Michelle
                                            Strawmire, Ricky Saturnini and Cindy Menke who have
                                            responded multiple times to quickly resolve issues
                                            I’ve experienced with PBSD 2651 forms for COVID Leave

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