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Chris Persaud

                                            Late last year, our long-time IT Technical Operations Director, Chris Persuad,
                                            left the District to pursue other opportunities. In his 8+ years as IT Tech
                                            Ops Director, Chris managed a team of dedicated professionals and was
                                            instrumental in many critical projects that supported District initiatives
                                            and moved the District’s technology and support capabilities forward to
                                            the benefit of students. Overseeing numerous computer and peripheral
                                            refreshes, the on-going management and operation of the Data Center and
                                            providing support resources for staff and schools, Chris always provided a
                                            steady hand in steering the department forward. We wish Chris well in all of
                                            his future endeavors and most certainly appreciate his notable contributions
                                            to the District!

                                            As part of the transition, we took the opportunity to realign some teams with
                                            the department that best suits their work functions. The Active Directory
                                            and Endpoint teams were moved under Ricky Saturnini of the Enterprise
                                            Applications department.

                                            Bruce Walsh

                                            Bruce Walsh has been a part of IT for more than 30 years. During his long
                                            tenure, he was instrumental to many upgrades, particularly those involving
                                            voice and data. Dedication, commitment, consistency, and perseverance
                                            can best describe his work ethic over his career.

                                            Bruce was hired to the School District when typewriters, rotary phones,
                                            and Key System phones were used - the main School District office was a
                                            collection of trailers on Belvedere Road. His previous experience from AT&T
                                            was critical during the transition from our Key System to a PBX and later to
                                            the current standard VOIP. He was also instrumental in the School District’s
                                            relationship with AT&T from the early IT days to the present.

                                            During the 1990s, Bruce did not win a single football or basketball pool.
                                            But he progressed in his career to Network Services Manager and a new
                                            home at the McKesson Building. There his luck greatly improved, as he won
                                            multiple football and basketball pools - including this year’s college football
                                            pool! Bruce’s passion for sports of all kinds is well-known, including cheering
                                            on his kids and now grandkids, in baseball and softball.

                                            Bruce will culminate his School District career this Spring. He departs to
                                            start  a new chapter in his life. We will sorely miss Bruce’s leadership and
                                            commitment to  the IT Division but wish him well in retirement.

                                            Jonathan Simcina
                               SPECIAL FAREWELLS
                                            Jonathan Simcina, lead systems engineer on several critical enterprise-level
                                            systems including the District Portal, left the School District in mid-February
                                            to move with his wife and two young daughters to Chicago. Jonathan started
                                            his District career in January 2010 as an ITSA at Berkshire Elementary.  He
                                            transferred to the IT Division in late 2011 where was repeatedly recognized
                                            and promoted for his brilliant technical mind. When the District first
                                            implemented an enterprise single-sign-on portal, Jonathan took ownership
                                            of the solution to the point where the vendor took advice from him on system
                                            weaknesses and recommended technical improvements. Jonathan was
                                            very well known and respected within and outside of IT for his technical
                                            skills including programming/coding, troubleshooting, problem solving, and
                                            overall systems engineering.  We miss him greatly but know he will be hugely
                                            successful in the next phase of his career in Chicago.

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