Page 59 - FY24_Student AndFamilyHandbookEnglish_9-26_23
P. 59

            ●  Students have the responsibility to respect the rights of others.
            ●  Students have the responsibility to treat others with respect.
            ●  Students have the responsibility to treat school property and the property of others with respect.
            ●  Students have the responsibility to act in a way that does not interfere with the rights of others and is not harmful
               to the health and safety of others.
            ●  Students have the responsibility to tell a trusted adult, parent, or staff member, confidentially, if they suspect
               there is or will be danger to a student or others, or if there will be other disruption to the school campus.  Everyone
               is responsible for safety.

        A recommendation of expulsion or assignment to an alternative school may also be made for a student who is found to
        intentionally make false accusations that jeopardize the professional reputation, employment or certification of a teacher
        or  other  member of the school staff, according to the School Board Student  Code of Conduct.  F.S.  § 1006.09(1)(c);

                                                   RETURNED CHECKS

        Pursuant to F.S. § 68.065, the School Board of Palm Beach County, Florida reserves the right to seek payment of a service
        charge for checks presented to it that are dishonored by the drawing bank because of lack of funds, lack of credit, or lack
        of an account,  or  where the person who  wrote the check stops payment with intent to defraud the School
        District/School.  The School Board/School may seek to collect from the person who wrote the dishonored check: 1) bank
        fees actually incurred by the School Board/School as a result of the dishonored check, 2) the value of the dishonored
        check, plus 3) three times the amount of the check, and/or 4) any other fees or costs allowable by law.


        Students who attend Choice Programs or Career Academies
        Students who exit a Choice or Career Program (voluntarily or involuntarily), may not remain at the choice option school
        site unless it is the student’s zoned school. Information regarding Choice Program exits can be found in the
        Choice Procedures Manual and on the Choice Programs Website.

        Students who were expelled from school
        Under School District policies, absent early reinstatement, students who are expelled (although they are being provided
        alternative educational services) may return to the regular education program of the School District at the beginning of
        the term following the one-year anniversary date of their expulsion.  Students are to contact the Regional/Instructional
        Superintendent about school registration information. They may be assigned to a school other than the one from which
        they were expelled. (P-5.1817(6); P-8.13)

        ESE Students who were given an alternative placement for up to 45 days
        The IEP Team will meet prior to the end of the IAES period (which may be up to 45 school days) to determine the student’s
        future placement.  The school to which they return may be different from their home school. (P-8.13)

        Students returning to a Regular School District School from a Charter School
        Students should register at the school serving his/her attendance zone immediately after withdrawing from a charter

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