Page 60 - FY24_Student AndFamilyHandbookEnglish_9-26_23
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Students returning from Commitment Programs
        Students are expected to return to the School District of Palm Beach County upon their release from the program.  They
        should contact their Regional Superintendent and/or their school principal BEFORE returning to the school site. (P-8.13)

        Students who have received a reassignment to another school
        A student shall be permitted to return to the assigned school serving his/her attendance zone at the end of the semester;
        unless there are extenuating circumstances. P-5.015 (11). If a reassignment is revoked by the receiving school principal
        for reasons set forth in P-5.015 (12), the student returns to their school serving his/her attendance zone after three
        calendar days as outlined in the Reassignment policy.

        Students returning to their boundary school from a Florida Empowerment Scholarship for Unique Abilities (FES-UA)
        public or private school placement
        Upon reasonable notice to the Florida Department of Education and the School District, the student’s parent may remove
        the student from the Program, forfeiting his/her FES-US choice option for the school year.  In order to exercise the FES-
        UA choice option in the future, the student must prequalify for initial eligibility criteria as established by F.S. § 1002.39(2).
        Grade placement and credit history will be determined by the receiving school administration according to School District
        policies.  The school serving his/her attendance zone should be contacted for registration information and procedures.  If
        that school is not able to implement the child’s most recent IEP of record, the school will work through the Regional ESE
        Office to determine a placement site.  In the case of public-school choice, the FES-UA assigned school number becomes
        the student's home school number. Students may remain at their choice school through the highest-grade level in that

        Commencement Implication
        Seniors who return to the zoned school and who meet all graduation/certificate requirements may enjoy all of the senior
        activities including commencement exercises. However, this does not include meritorious recognition for Valedictorian or
        Salutatorian. It is understood that said students would transition at the beginning of the year and no later than the
        beginning of the 2  semester.

        EXCEPTION:  mutual agreement between the principals of the schools

        Students are expected to honor their responsibilities and behave in ways that respect the rights of all.  The expectations
        for behavior include, but are not limited to:

                 ▪  Being prepared for class by bringing paper,  ▪   Taking care of and returning textbooks, library
                     pencil, pen, books,  and other needed          books, or other school-owned material loaned
                     supplies                                       to them. (NOTE: Please see Student Textbooks
                 ▪  Completing  all  classwork  and  homework           and Other Instructional Materials) (P-8.1225)
                     (P-8.16)                                  ▪    Acting responsibly on campus, on buses and at
                 ▪  Using class time properly                       all school sponsored events regardless of
                 ▪  Taking home and returning necessary forms       location (P-5.186; P-5.1812; P-5.1813)
                 ▪  Following rules and regulations about field

        Field Trips:
        Field trips are a privilege, not a right.  This privilege can be denied for unacceptable behavior.  An educational alternative
        will be offered. (P-5.1812; P-5.1813) *Note that P-5.1812 & P-5.1813 are currently under review and are subject to change.

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