Page 83 - FY24_Student AndFamilyHandbookEnglish_9-26_23
P. 83

▪  Always heed signs and the directions of school and law enforcement officials.
               ▪  Always obey posted speed limits and other traffic laws.
               ▪  Act as you would want people to act if it were your neighborhood.
               ▪  Be patient and understand that walkers, bicyclists, and school buses are trying to exit the school, too.
               ▪  Always ensure that you and your passengers buckle up.
               ▪  Never talk on a cell phone or engage in other distractions while driving.

        Tips for Walking and Biking Safely
            Walking – Teach, practice, and remind children to:
               ▪  Walk with an adult or responsible older child at all times.
               ▪  Walk on the sidewalk if there is one.
               ▪  Walk facing the traffic, as far from the road/traffic as possible, if no sidewalk is available.
               ▪  Walk; do not run.
               ▪  Give drivers time to see you before crossing the street.
               ▪  Keep looking for cars while you are crossing.
               ▪  Wear white clothing or reflectors when walking in the dark or in low light.
               ▪  Be familiar with the traffic signs such as the moving light signal of a man walking, which turns red or green to
                   signify that people can cross the street.
               ▪  Always look first to your left and right, and be aware of moving vehicles at all times - - even bicycles!
               ▪  Walk within the crosswalk.
               ▪  Try to cross the street with other people.
               ▪  If there is a policeman or guard giving a signal, wait for him to motion with his hand indicating that you can
                   cross or to show a placard that says “Go”.
               ▪  Avoid dawdling or engaging in other activities while walking such as using a cell phone or looking for something
                   in your bag.
            Biking – Bicycles are vehicles. Riders must follow Florida Traffic Laws. Teach, practice, and remind children to:

               ▪  Always wear a helmet that is properly fitted.
               ▪  Whenever possible, ride with an adult or responsible older student.
               ▪  Always obey all traffic signs and signals.
               ▪  Ride on the right side of the road or trail in a single file (one bicycle behind another).
               ▪  Ride in the same direction as other vehicles.
               ▪  Go straight across railroad tracks.
               ▪  Always use proper hand signals when turning and stopping.
               ▪  Yield to pedestrians and alert them with a bicycle bell or your voice when passing.

        NOTE: Bicycle riders and passengers under the age of 16 must wear properly fitted, safety-rated helmets when riding a
        bicycle.  Law enforcement officers may issue traffic citations and assess fines to riders or passengers who do not comply.
        F.S. § 316.2065(3)(d), & (e)

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