Page 79 - FY24_Student AndFamilyHandbookEnglish_9-26_23
P. 79

5.  Let them know that unclothed pictures of people under 18 (taken with or without their permission) are
                   considered a form of child pornography, despite the intent of the parties.  It is illegal to transmit any unclothed
                   pictures of people under the age of 18.
               6.  Cyber-bullying can easily cross the line from being a school violation to being a SERIOUS CRIME. Cyber-stalking
                   is defined in P-5.002 as:

                       to  engage in  a course of conduct  [could be twice or more] to communicate, or to cause to be
                       communicated,  words, images, or language by or  through the use of electronic mail or  electronic
                       communication, directed at a specific person, causing substantial emotional distress to that person and
                       serving no legitimate purpose, as defined in F.S. 784.048(1d)

                                   TEXTBOOKS AND INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS

                                                      Policy 8.122, Policy 8.1225

        Many of the ways we do things are changing. The basics of pencil, chalk, and print textbooks are being supplemented with
        computers, handheld devices, and other electronic media. Florida is poised to transition its instruction to the digital age
        and remove barriers to provide Florida’s teachers and students digital learning tools.  We are committed to ensuring that
        your child has access to these materials for homework, class use, time on a computer at school, or other instructional
        materials available in our library media centers. The textbooks in core subject areas can be accessed online by students.
        Students/parents should check with the school to obtain access methods for online textbooks. A list of all District adopted
        textbooks and those that are available online and via the student portal can be found in a searchable format at the
        following link:  Instructional Materials (Textbook) Adoption. Our School Board is committed to providing appropriate
        instructional materials in all core areas of study for each student.

        The process for adopting instructional materials is stated in P-8.122 (which is being revised), Fla. Stat. § 1006.28 (2) (e),
        and Fla. Stat. § 1003.42 (1) (b).

        Parents are hereby notified of their ability to access their children's instructional materials through the District's local
        instructional improvement system and by which the District will encourage parents to access the system. This notification
        of parents will include use of the student portal

        In some other instances, class sets (books not assigned to students but used in class and available to students and parents
        as needed for use at home) may be assigned when the text is used as a reference. At the beginning of the school year,
        teachers will advise you in person or by newsletter of the core materials they plan to use and how homework will be
        assigned. In some instances, there may be no textbook, because other materials are more appropriate or up-to-date for
        content purposes. Many textbooks are available online through a link to each student’s district portal. These textbooks
        can be accessed from any location where an Internet connection is available.

        Procedures to challenge instructional materials can be found in School Board Policies 8.122 and 8.1205 (which are being

        When textbooks, library books,  or other instructional materials are assigned  to  a student and  materials are lost  or
        damaged, the parent is financially responsible. F.S. § 1006.42 Failure to pay for lost or damaged textbooks may result in
        the student’s suspension from extracurricular activities or a requirement that the student perform community service
        equal to the value of the lost or damaged materials.  Parental and student responsibility as to instructional materials,
        debts for loss, damage or destruction, and accountability procedures, including debt collection efforts by the District, are
        set forth in P-8.1225.

        Please look for such information from your child’s teacher(s). Please attend parent/teacher functions, especially Open
        House at the beginning of the school year. If you have any questions, please call your child’s school.
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