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                                                          SAFE SCHOOLS
                                   Parent/Student Acknowledgments of
                           Student Rules and Regulations of Operations

                Student First Name              Last Name                                  Birth Date

                Teacher Name                                                               Grade

               Students, parents*, teachers, counselors, administrators, and office staff all have important roles to play
               in our schools. Rules have been made to address possible problems that may occur. Like laws, rules
               apply to everyone.  They work only when everyone knows what they are.

               The  Student  and  Family  Handbook  lists  many  of  the  School  District  rules  for  students  in  Palm  Beach
               County. The rules apply to all activities occurring on school grounds, on other sites being used for school
               activities, and for any vehicles authorized for the transporting of students. Please read the rules carefully.
               Parents, students, school faculty, and staff need to know the rules. Since parents can be held responsible
               for the actions of their children, it is important that they are aware of the rules and consequences if the
               rules are broken.

               Parents need to become involved in the education of their children and have the responsibility to provide
               the school with the current emergency contact person(s) and telephone numbers. They also have the
               responsibility to notify the school of anything (such as medical information) that may affect their child's
               ability to learn, to attend school regularly, or to take part in school activities.
               Signed  forms  must  be  part  of  every  student's  record.  Your  signature  below  means  that  you  have
               reviewed the Student and Family Handbook and know the rules. (It does not mean that you agree or
               disagree with them.)

               * Wherever the word "parent(s)'' appears, it shall also refer to "guardian(s) or persons acting as a parent." Further, wherever student
               responsibilities are described, it is understood that parents jointly share those responsibilities with their children.

                                                      Signature of Parent or Guardian                                                             Date

                                                      Signature of Parent or Guardian                                                              Date

                                                      Signature of Student                                                                                  Date

                PBSD 1910 (Rev. 3/11/2015)         ORIGINAL - School
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