Page 92 - FY24_Student AndFamilyHandbookEnglish_9-26_23
P. 92

                       Human Growth and Development Study Exemption

      Read the information provided below carefully. Complete and sign this form if you DO NOT want your child to participate in the Human
      Growth and Development Curriculum at your school. This form must be returned to your child's school ONLY if you do not want your child to
      participate in the curriculum.

      Student #        Student First Name           M.I.  Last Name                                  Grade

      Teacher                                       School

      The School District of Palm Beach County plans to teach a unit on Human Growth and Development in May.  The District will be using the
      Human Growth and Development unit which was adopted by the School Board of Palm Beach County in 1993, revised in 1996, and updated
      as needed. As per Florida Statute 1003.42, the unit has been approved by the School Board.  Supplemental curricula are used for special
      student populations.
      You are welcome, and encouraged, to review the curriculum and the supporting instructional materials at your child's school or on the
      District's website at: We recommend that
      you discuss these materials at home. Your child may bring home assignments to do with an adult in the family.  These assignments are
      optional.  They are also confidential; students will not be required to report back what you have discussed.  The purpose of these
      assignments is to give you a chance to communicate with one another about these important topics.
      Children need specific and realistic information concerning human growth and development, interpersonal relationships, and pregnancy and
      disease prevention to better prepare them for adulthood. While the places of worship, school, and other community agencies have a role in
      supporting the effort of parents/caregivers, it is recognized that the basic responsibility for human growth and development education belongs
      in the home. The school can present factual information, but parents/caregivers can give these facts their personal, spiritual, and emotional

      The District respects your parental rights and your role in presenting information in this sensitive and delicate area.  Florida Statute 1003.42,
      Section 3 says:
          Any students whose parent makes written request to the school principal shall be exempted from the teaching of reproductive health or
          any disease, including HIV/AIDS, its symptoms, development, and treatment.  A student so exempted may not be penalized by reason
         of that exemption.
      If you choose not to have your child participate in the Human Growth and Development unit, they will be given an alternate assignment out of
      the classroom.  Materials are available to help facilitate conversations at home with your child about these topics. Contact your child's school
      to get a copy of the Human Growth and Development parent materials.  The parent component includes copies of selected materials created
      for the classroom.

                                                          Signature of Principal                          Date

      I have read and understand this form concerning the Human Growth and Development Curriculum.  I, the parent/legal guardian of
      the above named child, DO NOT give my consent for my child to participate in the Human Growth and Development curriculum

      Signature of Parent or Legal  Guardian or   Date          Signature of Parent or Legal  Guardian or   Date
      Student 18 years of age or older                          Student 18 years of age or older

     PBSD 2140 (Rev. 1/11/2023)     Florida Statute 1003.42
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