Page 91 - Technology plan fy2023-27
P. 91

Benchmark Project: Data Center Optimization

 District Strategic Plan – Aligned Objective
 Ensure all students engage in teaching and learning that results in academic excellence

 Accelerate student learning using innovative and differentiated approaches
 Ensure all employees have the environment, support, skills, and resources for excellence

 Aligned Initiatives:

 ●  Ensure consistent and effective literacy instruction in every PreK-3rd grade classroom
 ●  Strengthen career pathway opportunities and coordinate choice programs to ensure all students identify, understand, and
 prepare for careers aligned to their interests
 ●  Implement innovative learning approaches including acceleration options in all four core subjects, project-based learning, and
 authentic assessment
 ●  Evaluate the alignment of job descriptions and actual role responsibilities, and adjust as needed to foster employee success and
 effective/efficient use of resources

 FY 2023  FY 2024  FY 2025           FY 2026                            FY 2027

                         ●    Implement data center        ●   Implement data center
                              optimization                     optimization technology to
                              technology to achieve
 ●  Maintenance of newly  ●  Maintenance of  ●  Maintenance of  energy consumption  achieve energy
 Benchmarks /  implemented  newly implemented  newly implemented  reductions, optimal  consumption reductions,
 Milestones  hardware/software in  hardware/software in  hardware/software in  space utilization, cost  optimal space utilization,
 data center  data center  data center                         cost savings, and
                              savings, and                     improvements in IT asset
                              improvements in IT               utilization
                              asset utilization

 Evaluation  ●  Measure systems  ●  Measure systems  ●  Measure systems  ●  Measure systems  ●  Measure systems
 Plan (Metrics)  availability  availability  availability  availability  availability

 Budget  Proposed Budget  Proposed Budget  Proposed Budget  Proposed Budget  Proposed Budget
 Estimate  $157,500  $165,375  $173,644  $753,640           $3,768,200

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