Page 96 - Technology Plan for School Years 2017 to 2021
P. 96

Current Computer Ratio

            School         Students to Modern Devices Ratio            Multimedia Classroom to Modern
             Type                       Estimate                            Devices Ratio Estimate

             High                       1 : 5.08                         1 : 1 (pending FY17 refresh)

            Middle                      1 : 3.26                                     1 : 1

          Elementary                    1 : 3.81                                     1 : 1

                          43% Modern (5 years or newer) – 56% Non-Modern (5 years or older)

                Best estimate to replace all non-modern District computers

            *96% for Instructional Devices                                                      Grand Total: $58,184,784

                                                                                                             96 | P a g e
   91   92   93   94   95   96   97   98   99   100   101