Page 101 - Technology Plan for School Years 2017 to 2021
P. 101

Benchmark Project: Student Information System (SIS)
              District Strategic Plan – Long Term Outcomes

                Ensure high school readiness
                Increase the high school graduation rate
                Foster post-graduate success

              Aligned Objective:

                Maintain the school district’s Student Information System to support State mandated programming
                  and reporting requirements.
                Ensure a high level of accuracy in data collection and mandates state reporting for FTE funding

                                FY 2017         FY 2018          FY 2019          FY 2020            FY 2021
                            Migrate from
                            mainframe        Special Student
                            student system   Services (IEP,                   Choice Program
            Benchmarks /    to modern, web-  504, RtI)       Maintenance of   Lottery System   Maintenance of SIS
                            based student
                                             Online Student
              Milestones    information      Registration    SIS              Maintenance of
                            system (SIS)     Maintenance of                   SIS
                            including student   SIS
                            and parent
                            portals          Track usage     Track usage      Track usage      Track usage reports
                                             reports         reports          reports          Process Owner
            Evaluation Plan   Track usage    Process Owner   Process Owner    Process Owner    surveys
               (Metrics)    Process Owner    surveys         surveys          surveys          Review system
                            surveys          Review system   Review system    Review system    incident and change
                                             incident and    incident and     incident and     reports
                                                             change reports
                                             change reports
                                                                              change reports

           Budget Estimate   N/A             Budget          Proposed Budget   Proposed Budget   Proposed Budget

                                                                                                            101 | P a g e
   96   97   98   99   100   101   102   103   104   105   106