Page 138 - FY21 Wellness Promotion Policy Annual Report
P. 138

Article V - Meetings

                      Section 1.  Monthly meetings will be scheduled for a minimum of nine (9) meetings a

                    Section 2.  Executive Committee meetings will be held at least semiannually to develop
                                           SHAC’s focus and direction.  The Executive Committee consists of four (4)
                                 officers, a department representative from the Florida Department of Health
                                           Palm Beach County (CHD School Health Coordinator), The School District
                                           of Palm Beach County (LEA School Health Coordinator), and the Health
                                           Care District of Palm Beach County (School Health Administrator).

           Article VI – Quorum

                    Section 3.  A quorum is defined as one-third of the voting members attending the
                                      meeting.  If a quorum is not present, the meeting can be adjourned or
                                      continued for general discussion.

           Article VII - Committees

                     Section l. There shall be two standing committees:
                                      1.  Nominating/Membership Committee – to be chaired by the Vice-Chair
                                                and to be compromised of no less than four (4) members who will be
                                      solicited by requests for volunteers at the February meeting.
                                 2.  Executive Committee – to be comprised of the four (4) officers, a
                                                representative from the Florida Department of Health Palm Beach County,
                                                The School District of Palm Beach County, and the Health Care District of
                                                Palm Beach County.  This committee may act on behalf of SHAC between
                                                meetings if necessary.

                     Section 2. Other committees and workgroups may be formed as needed.

           Article VIII - Bylaws

                     Section 1.  The Bylaws may be changed by a two-thirds majority vote of the voting
                                            members when a quorum is present at a regular meeting. Proposed
                                  revisions to the Bylaws shall be presented to the membership one (1) month
                                  prior to calling for a vote.

           Adopted this 12 Day of January 2017.

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