Page 137 - FY21 Wellness Promotion Policy Annual Report
P. 137

Section 3.  Voting membership may be terminated by a member’s written resignation or
                                by request of the Executive Committee when the member misses three (3)
                                consecutive meetings during the school year.

                   Section 4.  New voting members (with the exception of the ex-officio members) shall be
                                           recommended by the Nominating/Membership Committee and approved by

                   Section 5.  Community members interested in school health are invited to attend
                                meetings, but will not have voting privileges.

            Article III – Officers

                   Section 1.  The officers shall be a Chair, Vice-Chair, Corresponding Secretary and
                                Recording Secretary.  Officers should be community members
                                           who represent the ten components of the Coordinated School
                                           Health Program. Officers shall not be current employees of entities
                                           statutorily responsible for the school health program in Palm Beach County
                                           (The School District of Palm Beach County, the Health Care District of Palm
                                           Beach County and the Florida Department of Health Palm Beach County).

                   Section 2.  The term of office begins in July.  The length of the term for all officers is two
                                            (2) years. A maximum of three (3) consecutive terms of office may be served.

                   Section 3.  Duties of the Officers
                                1.  Chair: The Chair shall preside at all meetings and shall conduct business
                                                 as provided in Article V (meetings).
                                2.  Vice-Chair:  The Vice-Chair shall preside over the meetings and conduct
                                      the order of business in the absence of the Chair.  The Vice-Chair will
                                      head the Nominating/Membership Committee which shall consist of no
                                      less than four (4) voting members.
                BACK             3.  Recording Secretary:  The Recording Secretary shall assure that the
               TO SHAC Page 23
                                                 minutes of all meetings, attendance records and the up-to-date mailing list
                                                 of members and others interested in SHAC activities are maintained.
                                      4.  Corresponding Secretary: The Corresponding Secretary shall be
                                      responsible for correspondence and committee meeting arrangements.

            Article IV – Election of Officers

                    Section 1.  The Nominating/Membership Committee will meet in March to develop a
                                 slate of voting members and candidates for positions with expiring terms of
                                            office.  The Vice-Chair shall call a meeting of the Committee at other times,
                                            if necessary to fill a pending vacancy.

                     Section 2.  The report of the Nominating/Membership Committee will be presented to
                                       the entire SHAC at the May meeting.  Additional nominations may be made
                                    from the floor.

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