Page 2 - FY21 Wellness Promotion Policy Annual Report
P. 2

Message from the Superintendent

        Keeping in step with the times, it’s a New Day for Wellness...

        “I am always happy to acknowledge the importance of wellness and ensure
        that we work together to create an environment in which healthy lifestyle
        practices are encouraged.  What makes our District special is the fact that
        we are a wonderfully diverse community of people from all walks of life,
        united in the cause of promoting fitness and nutrition.  I salute the Wellness
        Promotion Task Force for leading the way in this important effort, nurturing
        an atmosphere of positive thinking, healthy eating, and clean living.  Everyone
        wins when students build wholesome life habits that translate into success
        both in and out of the classroom.”
                                                                                          Donald E. Fennoy II, Ed.D.,

             The mission of the School District of Palm Beach County is to educate, affirm, and inspire each student
             in an equity-embedded school system.


             We envision…

             The School District of Palm Beach County is an educational and working environment, where both
             students and staff are unimpeded by bias or discrimination.  Individuals  of  all  backgrounds  and
             experiences  are  embraced,  affirmed, and inspired. Each and every one will succeed and flourish.

             The School District  of  Palm Beach County  will take ownership for students’ academic  mastery,
             emotional  intelligence,  and  social-emotional needs  by creating  environments  where  students,
             families, staff, and communities will develop agency and voice.

             A joy of learning is fostered in each student and a positive vision for their future is nurtured. Each
             student’s cultural heritage is valued and their physical, emotional, academic,  and  social  needs
             are met.

             ...WE SEE YOU.

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        2   FY21 Wellness Promotion Policy (WPP) Annual ReportWellness Promotion Policy (WPP) Annual Report
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