Title: CP-1 AE Agreement for Plumosa ES Modernization Recommendation:
I recommend the School Board approve an Agreement for Architectural Design Services with Tercilla, Courtemanche Architects, Inc., in the amount of $1,583,700. and authorize the Superintendent and Board Chairman to sign all required documents for the Plumosa Elementary School Modernization Project No. 0871-7507.
Description: Architectural Design Services required for the development of completed design documents necessary for construction of 99,910 GSF and 649 new student stations plus remodeling 16,360 GSF and 137 student stations. The new student stations will be added to 137 student stations that will remain after demolition of the existing facilities bringing the total initial student stations to 786 with core facilities to accommodate 960 student stations. Additionally, the design process shall also incorporate consideration for the future addition of 22,614 GSF and 286 student stations which will at that point bring the total student stations to 1072. The students and staff of Plumosa Elementary School will be relocated to another school during the construction process. The design requirements will also incorporate the demolition of the existing school to accommodate construction of the new facility and shall be in accordance with the Educational Specifications approved by the board on January 24, 2007.
Estimated Budget for Planning and Design: $1,563,482.
Estimated Budget for Construction: $22,475,056.
Fee for Basic Services: $1,420,000. (Including Demolition)
Civil Engineering/Design $94,000.
Food Services Design $9,400.
Theater Design $22,600.
Landscape Irrigation Design $16,400.
Funds Available For:
Additional Services: $14,200.
Reimbursable Expenses: $7,100.
Total Contract Award: $1,583,700.
Thirteen (13) firms responded to the RFP of which three (3) were shortlisted. The final ranking of the Selection Committee is as follows:
(1) Tercilla, Courtemanche Architects, Inc. (Hispanic Female)
(2) Harvard Jolly, Inc.
(3) Song & Associates, Inc.
Minority Sub-Consultant Participation: 20 %
Financial Impact:
The financial impact is an increase the project budget of $20,218. and a commitment of $1,633,317. which includes $49,617. for District provided Professional Responsibility Insurance. The source of funds is the Capital Project Budget.
For Additional Information, contact:
Joseph M. Moore (moorej@palmbeach.k12.fl.us)
Joseph M. Sanches (sanchesj@palmbeach.k12.fl.us)
Attachments (list):
Plum DataPnl.pdf