Coordinated School Health (CSH) is a systematic approach to improving the health and well-being of all students so they can fully participate and be successful in school. The process involves bringing together school administrators, teachers, other staff, students, families, and community members to assess health needs; set priorities; and plan, implement, and evaluate all health-related activities. CSH typically integrates health promotion efforts across eight interrelated components that already exist to some extent in most schools. These components include the following:

Health Education

Physical Education

Nutrition Services

Health Services

Counseling, Social, and Psychological Services

Healthy and Safe School Environment

Family, Community Involvement

Health Promotion for Staff
The Florida Healthy Districts – Coordinated School Health website was designed to provide an interactive training to help you renew, refresh and reinvigorate your team’s efforts to improve the health and wellness of students and staff in your district. The training provides district wellness policy committees and School Health Advisory Councils (SHACs) with the knowledge to create a solid foundation to implement the CSH Model and enhance their wellness efforts.
School Health Advisory Council
The School Health Advisory Council in Palm Beach County uses the CSH Model and serves as an active voice for improving the health of school children. SHAC is an advocate for supporting quality, coordinated health services and education programs and policies in our community.
School Health Advisory Council ~ FY 2011-2012
“The Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance (YRBS) of 2011 by the Center for Disease Control (CDC) revealed that only 13.5% of students surveyed ate fruits and vegetables 2 – 3 times a day in the past 7 days. In addition, almost 25% of high school students felt sad or hopeless for 2 weeks or more and stopped their usual activities. The School Health Advisory Council of Palm Beach County is committed to working with The School District of Palm Beach County and our community in the areas of Nutrition Education and Mental Health. This effort will remain a top priority for the coming year and beyond."
Cynthia C. Clayton, MD, FAAP, Chair, School Health Advisory Council 2012