The School District of Palm Beach County utilizes bulletins as a formal communication avenue to transmit pertinent information to district employees. The District’s commitment to wellness is evident through numerous bulletins sent out throughout the school year. Many, if not all, wellness bulletins are supported by the Wellness Promotion Policy (2.035) which comprehensively addresses students, staff, and community members health and well-being.
1 - Student and Family Handbook 7-18-2011
2 - Million Father March 7-25-2011
3 - Risk Management - Safety Compliance 8-1-2011
4 - Principals Responsibilities Regarding Student Health 8-4-2011
5 - Afterschool Academic Enrichments 8-8-2011
6 - Revised Location for SLP Pre-School Training 8-9-2011
7 - Preschool Science Materials and Professional Development 8-10-2011
8 - Alternative to Out of School Suspension (ATOSS) Program 8-12-2011
9 - First Aid, Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and AED 8-15-2011
10 - Research Based Reading Interventions Training 8-16-2011
11 - Identification & Notification of Civil Rights Compliance 8-19-2011
12 - ESE Coordinators Meetings 12 8-22-2011
13 - Medicaid Training for ESE Services 8-26-2011
14 - Interagency Agreement 8-29-2011
15 - Inclusion Professional Development 8-29-2011
16 - Physical Restraint for Students with Disabilities Policy 8-29-2011
17 - Wellness Champion Kick-Off in September 8-30-2011
18 - Kidcare Health Insurance Program 8-30-2011
19 - Choice Showcase of Schools 9-1-2011
20 - Professional Development Alternatives 9-9-2011
21 - Funding for Community Based Instruction 9-9-2011
22 - Exceptional Educator Program 9-12-2011
23 - Truancy Contact Name and Phone Number 9-13-2011
24 - Physical Education Mandates Elementary 9-14-2011
25 - Physical Education Mandates Middle 9-14-2012
26 - Students Working Against Tobacco (SWAT) Clubs 9-15-2011
27 - Five Star School Award 9-16-2011
28 - 2011 Palm Beach County College and Career Fair 9-22-2011
29 - Student Development Plan 9-23-2011
30 - Recycling of Mercury from Spent Lamps 9-28-2011
31 - Character Education - Sun Sentinel Character Counts 9-29-2011
32 - Liquid Office - Individual Education Plan 9-29-2011
33 - Training for ESE Teachers 9-29-2011
34 - Learn 360 Hollywood Clips for Character Education 9-30-2011
35 - School Counselor Professional Development 9-30-2011
36 - Differentiated Instruction Professional Learning 10-3-2011
37 - Believing the Colle Dream Training Elementary 10-11-2011
38 - Believing the College Dream Training Middle 10-11-2011
39 - Red Ribbon Week 10-14-2011
40 - School Health Profiles Survey for Principals 10-17-2011
41 - 2011 Business Partnership Recognition Awards 10-21-2011
42 - Update Training for ESE Teachers Administering FCAT 10-26-2011
43 - Second Annual Alcohol Prevention Poster Contest 10-27-2012
44 - National Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week 11-1-2011
45 - Health Services On-Line Training for School Staff 11-7-2012
46 - Disposal of Expired Batteries for AEDS 11-7-2012
47 - World Aids Day Voluntary Remembrance Activity 11-11-2011
48 - Drop In Speech Language Therapy Services at Schools 11-18-2011
49 - First Aid, CPR, Automated Defibrillator 12-12-2011
50 - Minimizing Risky Behaviors that Impact Health In the School Setting 1-6-2012
51 - Coding of New Discipline Incidents and Actions 1-6-2012
52 - Tobacco Prevention and Intervention Online Course 1-6-2012
53 - Bullying Prevention and Intervention Program Training 1-9-2012
54 - Parent Involvement Award 1-9-2012
55 - Mandatory Asbestos Awareness Training 1-10-2012
56 - Human Growth and Development Trainings 1-13-2012
57 - Supplementary Materials for the K-2 Human Growth Curriculum 1-13-2012
58 - Bloodborne Pathogens Refresher Annual Training 1-13-2012
59 - Ethics Bowl 2012 For High Schools 1-13-2012
60 - Florida Outreach Project's Deaf-Blind Census 1-17-2012
61 - Updated Choice and Career Options Where to Turn 1-17-2012
62 - Career and Technical Education Month 1-18-2012
63 - Safety Matters 1-20-2012
64 - Exceptional Educator Program 1-24-2012
65 - Alternative to Suspension for Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs 1-25-2012
66 - School Pool - Traffic Relief 1-30-2012
67 - School Health Profiles Survey for PE Teachers 1-31-2012
68 - Prevention and Readiness for Influenza Season 3-1-2012
69 - Data Processor and School Nurse Online Training 3-1-2012
70 - Parental Notification of School Choice Options 3-9-2012
71 - End of Course Exams for Students with Disabilities 3-12-2012
72 - Marzano Training for Administrators 3-15-2012
73 - 2012 Sunshine Medallion Awards 3-19-2012
74 - Elementary Student Progression Plan Updates 3-21-2012
75 - Middle School Student Progression Plan Updates 3-21-12
76 - High School Student Progression Plan Updates 3-21-2012
77 - 2012 Volunteer & Bunsiness Partners Awards Breakfast 3-26-2012
78 - Assisted Listening Devices (ALD) 3-30-2012
79 - Centralization of Speech-Language Pathologists 4-11-2012
80 - McKinney-Vento Act In Our Schools 4-12-2012
81 - Immunization and Physical Examination Requirements 4-16-2012
82 - Flexible Scheduling Professional Learning Opportunity 4-16-2012
83 - The National Day to Prevent Teen Pregnancy 4-23-2012
84 - Peer Support Program Professional Learning Opportunity 5-14-2012
85 - Tobacco-Free Environment Policy 5-18-2012