Page 110 - School Garden Development Guide - 4th Edition
P. 110
Cleaning Rain Barrels
• At the beginning of each school year, drain the rain barrel, and
hose out debris.
• Screen or mesh filters should be wiped down regularly after
each rainfall.
• Use a solution of 1/4 cup of castile soap and 1/4 cup of vinegar
or lemon juice mixed into five gallons of water.
• Rinse the solution with clean water and drain in school
can wash. The can wash is located outside the school,
usually behind the cafeteria in the dumpster area. It has an
enclosement made out of concrete and an upright sprayer
with a hose attachment for washing out trash/recycling
areas. Please connect with your school custodian if necessary.
• For more information about the District’s Rain Barrel
Requirements, click this link:
ECS Review - Rain Barrels - August 2019
Safety Alert
· Water collected from rain barrels should NOT be used
on vegetable, fruit, or herb gardens.
· The District encourages the usage of rain barrel water
to irrigate landscapes, flower gardens, and plants that
will NOT be used for human consumption.
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1 110 School Garden Development Guide - 4 Edition10 School Garden Development Guide - 4 Edition