Page 132 - School Garden Development Guide - 4th Edition
P. 132

Palm Trees
               Maintain a minimum 16 feet between the mature trunk and
               the building wall

        Fruit Trees
          •  Fruit trees or fruit/vegetable bearing plants must be planted
            so the drip line of the mature plant/tree is at least:
              •  50 feet away from any building
              •  100 yards away from dumpsters, kitchen entrances, kitchen
               air exhaust vents, or any other source of odors that might
               attract pests/rodents
          •  School personnel are responsible for the maintenance of all
            fruit trees and must monitor the fruit tree area at least twice
            weekly to remove dropped fruit.
          •  Please be advised, other pest control measures may be
            required, depending upon circumstances. Each school is
            responsible for the cost incurred for these measures if pest
            issues develop.

        Other Trees
          •  Maintain a minimum of 20 feet between the mature trunk and
            the building wall.
          •  As a general rule of thumb for larger trees, the distance
            from the building should be equal to the height of the tree
            when it is fully grown. For example, a tree that grows to be
            30 feet tall should be planted 30 feet away from the building.

        Shrubs and Hedges
          •  Maintain a minimum five feet clearance between the edge of
            the shrub and the building wall. This separation is necessary
            to ensure clear sight lines near a building for safety.   In other
            words, ensure there are no hidden or obscure spaces.

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