Page 128 - School Garden Development Guide - 4th Edition
P. 128

Building Code Services Department (BCS)

        BCS is the department responsible for reviewing construction
        plans and issuing building permits for construction or site
        improvements  based  upon  the  information  displayed  on  the
        plans. Once the construction phase has been completed, BCS or
        their designees will visit the school site to inspect the project as it
        progresses to ensure that the project remains in compliance with
        codes, District standards, and the plans themselves. The ultimate
        goal of the BCS Department is safety in the built environment.
        Once built, specific standards must be maintained and are
        evaluated by Fire Safety Inspectors.  School gardens that are not
        maintained or cared for may earn an “O” citation on the school’s
        Comprehensive Safety Inspection Report (CSIR).

        Aside from routine maintenance, all construction taking place on
        a school campus requires a permit from BCS. The installation of a
        school garden, raised beds and some other minor construction
        activities, will NOT require a building permit. For more information
        pertaining to these requirements, please refer to:

            District Policy 7.26 Facilities or Grounds Modifications
                  Funded by Internal Accounts or Donations.

        Projects Requiring Building Permits
        1.  Construction of a sidewalk or paved walking trail
              •  Paving stones and brick pavement are not permitted on
               school campuses.  (A paving stone is a tile, brick or brick-
               like piece of concrete commonly used as exterior flooring.
               In a factory, concrete pavers are made by pouring a mixture
               of concrete and some type of coloring agent into a mold of
               some shape and allowing to set.)
        2.  Construction of a concrete or block structure to contain a

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