Page 86 - School Garden Development Guide - 4th Edition
P. 86

Approved Fruit Trees

               Common Name              Scientific Name             Size                                   Tree/Fruit -- Notes
                                                                                     Better fruit production with two trees though this is not necessary.
                  Avocado              Persea americana            40’ – 60’
                                                                                                  Must be planted in a well-drained site.
                                                                                              May spread widely from underground rhizomes.
                   Banana                    Musa                  5’ - 20’
                                                                                       Requires full sun and moist, well-drained soil.  Water regularly.
                                           Malpighia              Up to 20’
               Barbados Cherry                                                                            Susceptible to insects.
                                          emarginata             (tall or wide)
                Custard Apple          Annona reticulata          Up to 20’                              Desirable for small areas.
                     Fig                  Ficus carica             10’ - 20’                              Not drought tolerant.
                                                                                                            Very slow growing.
                 Jaboticaba             Plinia cauliflora         Up to 20’                  Fruits multiple times a year.  Not drought tolerant.
                                                                                                        Requires a sunny location.
                    Jujube                  Ziziphus               15’ - 35’                      Fruit litter can attract pests and rodents.
                   Longan             Dimocarpus longan            30’ - 40’                        Requires a sunny, well-drained site.
                                                                Up to 30’ - 35’
                   Loquat             Eriobotrya japonica        (frequently                 Easy to grow.  Tolerates drought once established.
                                                                 reaches 15’)
                   Lychee                Litchi chinensis            40’                 Requires sun, well-drained soil, and some wind protection.
                Mamey Sapote            Pouteria sapota              40’                    Requires well-drained soil and has high water needs.
                                          Synsepalum          Up to 10’ - 15’ tall
                 Miracle fruit                                                                       Requires acidic, well-drained soil.
                                           dulcificum          and 6’ - 8’ wide
                  Mulberry                   Morus                 15’ - 70’       Produces tiny fruit. Very popular with children and birds. Fruit will stain!
                  Star Apple                                       25’-100’                   Requires well-drained soil and a sunny location.
                  Star Fruit          Averrhoa carambola          Up to 35’                             High water requirements.
                                                                                           Male plant will not bear fruit. Tree only lives 1-3 years.
                   Papaya                Carica papaya             10’ - 15’
                                                                                    Requires full sun and excellent draining.   Can be grown from a seed.
                                                                                            White flower provides a lot of fruit.  Requires full sun.
                 Passion Fruit          Passiflora edulis           Vine
                                                                                              Plant next to a trellis.  High water requirements.
                  Tamarind             Tamarindus indica          Up to 80’                         Drought tolerant. Requires full sun.
                                                    PRIOR TO PLANTING ANY TREES OR SHRUBS, CONTACT
                                                         THE BUILDING CODE SERVICES DEPARTMENT

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