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                                                           AFTER A TWO-YEAR HIATUS, WE WERE DELIGHTED TO
                                                           ONCE AGAIN HAVE THE PRIVILEGE TO mentor 21 SDPBC
                                                           high school students through our award-winning Summer
                                                           Intern program. This six-week program is the first exposure to
                                                           work in a chosen field for many of the interns. The experience
                                                           of applying, interviewing, and working with industry
                                                           professionals was intended to help them prepare for careers
                                                           or college after graduation. In addition to work experience,
                                                           this program will also help students when applying to Bright
                                                           Futures Scholarships thanks to a new bill signed by Governor
                                                           Ron Desantis in June 2022.  Hours that interns work at the
                                                           District can be applied towards the 100 service hours required
                                                           for Bright Futures.

                                                           During the six weeks, interns were assigned to the IT PMO,
                                                           Records Management, Infrastructure, End User Support, and
                                                           Desktop Management teams. In addition to their assigned
                                                           duties, weekly IT related activities were planned to expose
                                                           them to different types of jobs in today’s IT field. One of their
                                                           favorite events was the Intern-Mentor-In-A-Minute session.
                                                           Based on feedback from past years, interns wanted to know
                                                           more about the various departments within the IT Division,
                                                           not just the one they were assigned. Seventeen members of
                                                           our IT staff took time out of their busy schedules to meet with
                                                           the interns. Each mentoring session lasted 10 minutes and at
                                                           the end of the session, the intern moved on to speak with a
                                                           different IT staff member. Other activities included lunch-and-
                                                           learns with some of our business partners where they learned
                                                           more about other career options in IT. The final activity was
                                                           an end-of-the program celebration with lunch at Drive Shack.

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