Page 103 - Superintendent Report 2021-22
P. 103
What would you do, know, or experience if
you were educated?
Set and achieve opportunities
Continue education life goals and quality of life Job opportunities
and attain degrees
Communicate properly,
Respectful, humble, “Book Smart Educated” intellectually,
accepting, aware articulately
Help and advise
Understand others Confidence,
business and leadership Understand
finance current events
Navigate racial
insensitivity, how
Connected to to live in a White Independence Apply high school
different people world class information
and cultures to real life
What would you do, know, or experience if you
were affirmed?
Confident, overcome
Know that I am anxiety, positive, able to
genuinely okay as a hold your own Grounded
person, accepted,
“What does affirm mean?” Resilient, stay strong,
Stand up for someone, see negative things
know how to lift others, clearly, overcome
offer emotional support challenges
Treated like anyone else,
Supported, happy,
Trust encouraged
Recognized, positive
feedback, acknowledged Experience success
Seen, heard
8/23/22 2:55 PM
Superintendent Report 2021-22.indd 103
Superintendent Report 2021-22.indd 103 8/23/22 2:55 PM