Page 44 - Superintendent Report 2021-22
P. 44
Positive Behavior Support and Classroom Management
Positive Behavior Support (PBS) is a District-wide behavior initiative that is implemented by schools
to improve student behavior and is based upon seven Essential Components:
1. Administrator support, participation, and leadership.
2. Common purpose and approach to discipline – The Team Process.
3. Define positive expectations (for all students & staff).
4. Procedures for teaching expected behaviors.
5. Continuum of procedures for encouraging expectations.
6. Continuum of procedures for discouraging inappropriate behavior.
7. Procedures for ongoing monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of the PBS system.
Principles that guide PBS and support Objective 1: Ensure a Safe and Supportive School Climate that
Promotes the Social, Emotional, and Academic Development of All Students:
• Focus of discipline is on academic & behavioral success.
• Model is for all students, all staff, and all settings.
• Emphasizes prevention.
• Uses research-validated practices.
• Coordinated by a PBS Team at each school.
• Emphasizes an instructional approach.
• Uses data to guide decisions.
The framework focuses on preferred behaviors, intervention, and prevention. Schools select three
to five guidelines for success known as the Universal Guidelines. Expectations are developed and
visibly posted around campus and become a common language among staff and students. In
FY21, 91 schools were eligible to apply for Model School Status by Florida’s Positive Behavior and
Intervention Support Project (FLPBIS), an increase of 40 compared to FY20.
The District’s Single School Culture for Behavior (SSC-B) team provides training in Proactive &
Positive Classroom Management Strategies (CHAMPS) from Randy Sprick’s Safe & Civil Schools
and Tough Kid Practical Classroom Management Strategies from Dr. Bill Jenson. The resources and
content for the training are based on the research literature outlining what effective teachers do to
implement PBS strategies in their classrooms. These proactive, positive instructional approaches
to classroom management connect directly to Objective 1. They guide educators on how to make
effective decisions about managing behavior. This informed decision-making process results in
increased student engagement, improved academic achievement, and prevention and intervention
for meeting all students’ social, emotional, and behavioral needs.
Following the Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS)/PBS model, CHAMPS serves as core (Tier
1) for all students. The CHAMPS approach is based on the following principles, coined as the STOIC
S = Structure classroom for success
T = Teach behavioral expectations to students
O = Observe and supervise
I = Interact positively with students
C = Correct fluently
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Superintendent Report 2021-22.indd 44 8/23/22 2:55 PM
Superintendent Report 2021-22.indd 44