Page 40 - Superintendent Report 2021-22
P. 40

Positive and Supportive School Climate

        Objective 1: Ensure a safe and supportive school climate that promotes the
        social, emotional, and academic development of all students.

        Supporting Social and Emotional Learning (SEL)

        A Systemic Approach to Support Belonging and Explicit Instruction
        The District has steadfastly supported schools with Social Emotional Learning (SEL) resources and
        best practices. This past year, we focused on building a sense of belonging for all students while
        developing a common language around SEL competencies and skills. The District’s SEL Guide has
        supported schools shifting to a more systemic, school-wide approach. Through the coordination
        of SEL Themes across different key settings, young people develop these competencies as they
        move through their classrooms, school, out-of-school time (afterschool), home, and community.
        The SEL Guide organizes our weekly SEL Themes into units to help make it more straightforward
        for students to see how these themes are working towards an overarching goal.

           •  Unit 1: Being My Best Self
           •  Unit 2: Understanding Each Other & Appreciating Diversity
           •  Unit 3: Communicating with Each Other

           •  Unit 4: Maintaining Healthy Relationships
           •  Unit 5: Supporting the Well-Being of Our School and Community

        The SEL Resource Tile on the District portal is a one-stop-shop for schools to find lessons to teach
        weekly themes explicitly. Also, resources for families and caregivers to communicate about what
        is being taught in school regarding SEL. This includes how to reinforce the SEL Themes at home.
        There are weekly SEL Morning Meeting lessons (elementary) and SEL Welcoming Rituals/Check-ins
        (secondary) that support the SEL Theme of the week. Opportunities are provided for students to
        strengthen relationships and foster a sense of belonging so everyone feels part of the classroom

        SEL Book of the Quarter

        A new initiative that rolled out this year in elementary schools was the District’s SEL School-wide
        Book of the Quarter. Each quarter every student and staff member reads and engages with a
        common text that promotes an SEL Essential Idea to strengthen their school community. Schools
        incorporated the book into their morning announcements for that quarter, and some created a
        school-wide display with student work based upon the SEL Essential Idea.

        Cultivating Adult SEL

        Another new initiative offered this year to strengthen adult social and emotional competencies
        was the Emotional Resilience Educator Cohort. All participants of this cohort received their copy
        of Elena Aguilar’s book, Onward, and the workbook. Participants met monthly throughout the year
        to dive deep into the SEL competencies of self-awareness, self-management, and social awareness.
        Participants who completed this cohort received an SEL Emotional Resilience Educator badge.


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