Page 107 - Technology Plan for School Years 2017 to 2021
P. 107

Benchmark Project: Data Center Optimization
              District Strategic Plan – Long Term Outcomes

                Increase reading on grade level by 3  grade
                Ensure high school readiness

               Aligned Objective:

                 Ensure that critical enterprise and web-based applications are available 99.999% of the time.

                                 FY 2017         FY 2018         FY 2019            FY 2020           FY 2021

                             Implement data
                             center                                                               Implement data
                             optimization                                                         optimization
                             hardware and      Maintenance                                        technology to
                             software to       of newly      Maintenance of    Maintenance of     achieve energy
                             achieve energy    implemented   newly             newly implemented   consumption
             Benchmarks /    consumption       hardware/soft  implemented      hardware/software   reductions,
              Milestones     reductions,       ware in data   hardware/softwar  in data center    optimal space
                             optimal space     center        e in data center                     utilization, cost
                             utilization, cost                                                    savings, and
                             savings, and                                                         improvements in
                             improvements in IT                                                   IT asset utilization
                             asset utilization

            Evaluation Plan   Measure systems                Measure systems   Measure systems    Measure systems
               (Metrics)     availability      systems       availability      availability       availability

                Budget       N/A               Budget        Proposed Budget    Proposed Budget    Proposed Budget
               Estimate                                      $165,375          $173,644           $685,966

                                                                                                            107 | P a g e
   102   103   104   105   106   107   108   109   110