Page 103 - Technology Plan for School Years 2017 to 2021
P. 103

             Benchmark Project: Servers
             District Strategic Plan – Long Term Outcomes

               Ensure high school readiness
               Increase the high school graduation rate

             Aligned Objective:

               Increase network reliability and end-user satisfaction while reducing the total cost of ownership for the
               Ensure that critical enterprise and web-based applications are available 99.999% of the time.

                               FY 2017        FY 2018         FY 2019           FY 2020             FY 2021
                            and support of                Implementation   Maintenance and
                            District’s      Maintenance   and              support of
                                            and support of  enhancement of
                            Server and      District’s    District’s Server   District’s Server   Maintenance and
                            Back-up         Server and    and Back-up      and Back-up       support of District’s
                            infrastructure   Back-up      infrastructure to   infrastructure to   Server and Back-up
                                                                                             infrastructure to
                            to virtualized
             Benchmarks /   environment.    infrastructure   virtualized   environment.      virtualized
              Milestones    Replacement     to virtualized   environment.   Replacement of   environment. Grow
                                                          Replacement of
                            of all Middle   Grow capacity   all Elementary   all High School   capacity for Data
                            School Servers.   for Data    School Servers.   Servers. Grow    Centers.
                            Grow capacity   Centers.      Grow capacity for   capacity for Data
                            for Data
                            Centers.                      Data Centers.

                            Measure and     Measure and
                            report CPU,     report CPU,   Measure and      Measure and       Measure and report
              Evaluation    memory          memory        report CPU,      report CPU,       CPU, memory
             Plan (Metrics)   thresholds    Track and     thresholds       thresholds        thresholds
                            Track and       review        Track and review   Track and review   Track and review
                            review capacity
                                                                                             capacity reports.
                            reports.        capacity      capacity reports.   capacity reports.
                Budget                      Proposed        Proposed Budget   Proposed Budget      Proposed Budget
               Estimate     N/A             Budget        $1,150,800       $50,000           $100,000

   6  Includes the following projects: DR 50K, District Server Refresh
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