Page 102 - Technology Plan for School Years 2017 to 2021
P. 102

Benchmark Project: Disk Storage Infrastructure
               District Strategic Plan – Long Term Outcomes

                 Increase reading on grade level by 3  grade
                 Ensure high school readiness

               Aligned Objective:

                 Increase network reliability and end-user satisfaction while reducing the total cost of ownership for
                   the infrastructure.
                 Ensure that critical enterprise and web-based applications are available 99.999% of the time.

                             FY 2017         FY 2018          FY 2019            FY 2020             FY 2021

                           Supplement     Implementation
                                          of Electronic
                           and            and Disk       Maintenance of
            Benchmarks     Maintenance    Storage District-  Electronic and Disk   Maintenance of   Maintenance of
                 /         of Electronic   wide.  Full   Storage District-  Electronic and Disk   Electronic and Disk
                                                                            Storage District-wide  Storage District-wide
                           and Disk
             Milestones    Storage        replacement at   wide
                           District-wide   FHESC, SITV
                                          and NWR.

                                          Storage Reports
                           Storage        Based on       Storage Reports    Storage Reports     Storage Reports
             Evaluation    Reports        demand, usage,   Based on demand,   Based on demand,   Based on demand,
            Plan (Metrics)   Based on     and age of     usage, and age of   usage, and age of   usage, and age of
                           demand and
                           usage          Standardize    equipment.         equipment.          equipment.

                                          Proposed       Proposed Budget                        Proposed Budget
               Budget      N/A            Budget         $250,000           Proposed Budget     $800,000
              Estimate                    $8,789,800                        $1,050,000

   5  Includes the following projects: DR, SAN, Disk Storage
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