Page 51 - Technology Plan for School Years 2017 to 2021
P. 51

During the next five years, the ESE department needs increasingly robust connectivity at all
               schools to meet the growing demands for digital resources. Additionally, there is a need for
               increased access to District laptops, desktops, and cloud storage for students and staff.

               English-Language Learners
               English Language Learner (ELL) students have needs beyond those of most students which
               can often be met using technology resources in the classroom. As the School District of
               Palm Beach County includes a diverse student population representing more than 198
               countries, speaking more than 145 languages, it is especially critical to consider the needs
               of this group of learners.

               Specific needs for ELL students include lesson directions in their native language with
               extended access to computer devices. Beginning English speakers may have difficulty
               understanding lesson directions when delivered only in English. The District has identified
               and purchased several computer programs that provide language support in a variety of
               heritage languages. These programs provide comprehensible instruction and facilitate
               understanding for ELL students while working on computer delivered lessons.

               The second challenge identified for ELL students is overall access to computer hardware
               devices and educational software. Many ELL students fall into a lower socioeconomic
               subgroup and therefore do not have access to computers or Internet in their homes.
               To overcome this limitation, ELL students should be provided with extended access to
               technology resources both during and after regular school hours, and they should be made
               aware of the resources available in the District’s Shrinking the Digital Divide program.

                          Image Source:
               The Multicultural Department has purchased hardware and software resources to support
               the specific needs of ELL students. Software programs implemented to support the
               language needs of ELL students include Achieve 3000, Imagine Learning English, and
               iStation in Spanish. Over the next five years, two additional subscription services will be

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