Page 80 - Technology Plan for School Years 2017 to 2021
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learning growth compared to the projected learning growth through the analyzing of prior
               achievement and factors that impact learning. These scores are ranked against teachers
               and schools throughout the state. These models were used for teachers who had students
               who took state assessments in English Language Arts, Math, and Algebra. The departments
               of Assessment and Research and Evaluation designed 15 specific student learning growth
               models and combinations of those models for those teachers who do not teach state-tested
               subjects.  These teacher cohort models include prior student achievement as a factor.
               Research & Evaluation also produced individualized teacher report letters detailing the
               scoring and student rosters.

               The student learning growth data, the instructional practice score, and the professional
               growth plan scores were input into our human resources management system - PeopleSoft.
               A customized page houses the data and calculates the teacher's final evaluation in
               consideration of human resource data and specific scoring exceptions. Teachers then have
               access to view their overall evaluation, the three components' breakdown, and a detailed
               scoring report.

               Non-instructional Employees
               Non-instructional employees are evaluated using District form 0088 which measures
               performance in areas of job knowledge, self-motivation, and self-management, adaptability
               to change, interpersonal effectiveness, assignments, attendance, and punctuality. These
               forms are sent to the Human Resources Department where they are electronically scanned
               into the Image Quest repository and become part of the employee's personnel file.

               Professional Development for Functional and Technical Specialists,
               End Users, and Non-Instructional Employees

               With the constant and rapid changes in technology, it is prudent that technical and
               functional specialists acquire the training needed to be effective and efficient in their jobs
               and functions. As older systems are replaced, training needs to be provided on the newer
               systems. Training should not be a one-time occurrence, but progressively acquired as skill
               sets are needed. Appropriate user-based training ensures that technology is used effectively
               to improve business process efficiencies. Additionally, technical training and high-level
               technical skills are required to support and maintain technology, to minimize downtime and
               increase performance. Through dedicated technical support, specialists will be able to
               provide increased support to end-users.

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