Page 87 - Technology Plan for School Years 2017 to 2021
P. 87

Technology Process Structure

               Within our District, technology leadership benefits from the checks and balances
               recommendations of two advisory committees:

                     The Technology Advisory Committee (TAC) serves as an advisory committee to the
                       School Board and is comprised of District leadership and Board-appointed
                       community members with technology expertise. TAC is governed by Board Policies
                       1.09 and 1.096. Its mission is to provide expert knowledge and guidance, and to
                       bring industry best practices to decisions regarding technology infrastructure
                       and strategy.

                     The Technology Clearinghouse Committee (TCC) is comprised of District leaders,
                       principals, and representatives from the academic, business and IT divisions and
                       departments. The committee meets regularly to review proposed non-standard
                       technologies prior to purchase and then recommends action to the CIO, and other
                       District Administrators. The review examines the product from both a functional and
                       a technical perspective. The academic and business representatives to the
                       committee ensure the proposed technology serves the function intended, without
                       duplication. The IT representatives determine the technical aspects for integration,
                       compatibility, scalability, bandwidth, Total Cost of Ownership (TCO), training, and
                       technical support.

               Technology Purchases and Acquisitions
               The District focuses on technology innovations that directly or indirectly support the District
               Strategic Plan and overall student achievement. The Purchasing Department works closely
               with IT to ensure that only approved technologies are acquired. The TCC is charged with
               unifying school and department technology purchasing decisions, therefore, reducing
               duplication, incompatibility, and unnecessary expenditures.

               The Future of Technology Governance and Project Management
               Technology governance and project management processes are supported throughout the IT
               Division. During the life of this plan, the following will be accomplished:

                     Further implement and refine the ITIL framework of best practices.
                     Support and adjust the TCC review process to ensure solid, reliable, and cost-
                       effective technology acquisitions for academic and business needs in support of the
                       District Strategic Plan and overall student achievement.
                     Develop the District’s technology direction through strategic discussions, planning,
                       and training while the TAC advances and integrates the technical communication
                       flow with the School Board.

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