Page 30 - TIME Newsletter - 2019
P. 30



                                                                IT’s program reached a new high in sponsorship
                                                                donations as well. Dell Computers bought one of the new
                                                                named sponsorships for $1,000 as did Net App. Wells
                                                                Fargo and The Beacon Group returned as sponsors
                                                                for the fifth straight year. IT was happy to have Office
                                                                Depot return and  welcome ExtraHop and Encore as new
                                                                corporate sponsors.

                                                                IT’s program won praise earlier this year at the annual
                                                                conference of the Cooperative Education and Internship
     This year sets the record for the largest  class of interns   Association (CEIA), and it was enthusiastically reviewed
     the IT Division has ever hired. Thirty (30) high school   before the District’s Technical Advisory Committee (TAC).
     juniors and seniors reported to start work on June 17. IT’s  Video recording of Mike Burke. See:
     lauded success with interns led Board Member, Dr. Deb-    com/embed/NeMtJYFaCzI?start=2468&end=2502
     ra Robinson, Superintendent, Dr. Donald Fennoy, and
     Chief Finance Officer, Mike Burke, to encourage other     IT’s intern graduates often stay in touch with their
     departments to institute Intern programs. The result was   mentors, and it is a joy to follow their remarkable
     that 23 District departments hired 43 interns to join IT’s   progress. IT receives feedback from students that
     30 interns and 26 in the Facilities Services  Department.   their training and letters of reference helped them gain
     The grand total of students interns employed during the   admission to choice colleges and land scholarships and
     summer nearly reached 100!                                new jobs.

     All five IT departments mentored interns this year        The best-kept secret is that staff gains as much
     including the newly established IT Security Department.   satisfaction working with the students as they do with us!
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